This competition is part of the Hokey Religions and Ancient Blasters event. The goal is achieve the highest score over the course of the event by playing the TIE Fighter Space Combat simulation game.
Platform: TIE Fighter
The goal of this competition is to allow for individuals without multi-player capability to enjoy the fun of piloting a starfighter against other fighters, freighters, capital ships, even space stations! This competition is open to all members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Who is the best star pilot in the galaxy? Sign up and find out!
The game may be played on any difficulty level. Competitors are not allowed to use any of the cheat modifiers. Use of the Invulnerability, Infinite ammo, or Starfighter Collision cheats will result in immediate disqualification.
Participants must submit two screenshots and their pilot file to qualify for participation in this competition.
Screenshot #1: Must display character selection screen showing a new pilot, with beginning rank of Flight Cadet and score of zero.
Screenshot #2: Must display character selection screen showing pilot name, rank, and score.
Pilot file: To ensure invulnerability, infinite ammo, and collision modifiers were not utilized during the event.
Highest score wins. In addition to participation CEs, participants will earn an additional 2 CEs for each rank attained. There are six distinct ranks (Flight Cadet, Flight Officer, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander, General).
You may submit files in .zip or .rar format through the website.
All valid participants will earn 5 CEs.
1st place
Howlader Taldrya
2nd place
A deleted dossier