We need to pull ourselves together and defend the Great Hall from any oncoming attacks being launched by the Sphinxian Satellite Technologies. At this moment, we are unsure if the attack on the Hall was a lone attack or if more are coming. Keirdagh wants us to be prepared for anything and at all costs protect Taldryan, there will be no more casualties on his watch.
Reach the highest possible level in Ballon Tower Defense 5: Map = Pyramids, Difficulty = Medium
The game must be started within the time frame of the competition, as well the game has to be on the Kongregate website. Mobile screenshots will NOT be accepted. Tie Breakers will be solved by time submitted.
1st place
Ringer Klang
2nd place
Dr. Rhylance
3rd place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
4th place
Aiden Dru
5th place
Rian Taldrya
6th place
Djasei Brevis
7th place
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
8th place
Rax Von-Klug
9th place
Lord Halcyon
10th place
Seyda Norith