Event Details

Event ID
Condar Sovar
Dark Cross
Requested by
Legorii Arconae
Primary reason

Condar has been an enormous help to me in the last two weeks in knocking out a ton of wiki article updates that have been on the Clan's to-do list for years. He was thrown into the mix on the Arcona Project that I've been leading despite only having a few weeks of experience in the Brotherhood, and immediately set about tackling the wiki. First, he went through the entire Arcona category and picked out articles that he felt needed more images, more links, or more text. Then, after coming up with a list of about two dozen, he went through and carried out those updates on each of the articles. He's also helped to organize a separate list of fictional and fleet updates to be carried out soon, following the spending of fleet points, and has been a huge driving force behind the project. As a result of Condar's hard work, the Arconan wiki category received its biggest update in at least four years. Thanks, Condar!

Legorii Arconae, 2014-01-10 04:16:37 UTC