Event History

Displaying events 103731 - 103740 of 182243 in total
19 Sep, 2015
A deleted dossier was awarded 1 Cluster of Ice
Event ID
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

ACC Battles fought on or before 2015-09-19

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2015-09-19 23:30:40 UTC
Event ID
Master Dracaryis
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
14.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For completion of Strike or Raid Missions in Destiny on or before 2015-09-19

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-09-19 23:30:38 UTC
Event ID
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

ACC Battles fought on or before 2015-09-19

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2015-09-19 23:30:36 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

ACC Battles fought on or before 2015-09-19

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2015-09-19 23:30:31 UTC
Event ID
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
14.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For completion of Strike or Raid Missions in Destiny on or before 2015-09-19

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-09-19 23:30:26 UTC
Event ID
Evelynn Wyrm
Dark Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Aexod has been a powerhouse of activity within Marka Ragnos. He has integrated himself fully into the Clan and Brotherhood, eager to learn more and contribute to the Clan. In the five days that Aexod has been in the club, he has completed thirty three exams & three degrees. On top of that, Aexod is extremely vocal with his fellow members and has even expressed interest in running several gaming competitions. I'm proud to have Aexod in my House and I look forward to seeing what else he brings to the club. Congratulations on your Dark Cross, Aexod.

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2015-09-19 19:52:53 UTC
Event ID
Scarlet Agna
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Darth Renatus
Primary reason

It is with pride that I am recommending Scarlet for a Anteian Cross, knowing that she has earned it through effort and time. She never ceased her forward momentum as so many others do upon reaching Knighthood, and instead is ever striving for loftier heights.

She is an ever present member of the Clan, actively engaging with her team and even new initiates through Telegram and email. She always offers her own experiences as a counter-balance for newcomers, making sure they see that the only barrier to success comes from the effort they themselves are willing to put forward. For Scarlet, this comes from the drive to never give up and keep improving. Openly disheartened by fiction at first, she has worked with other Knights through competitions and internal discussion in order to improve her writing to a more comfortable level. The ability to not only recognize one's faults, but make the necessary steps to improve on those things is exactly the example I want set by any of our members.

This is all the more important in Scarlet's case, as she has taken on the role of Battleteam Leader for Sapphire Squadron for a month total, after leading under Bob's guidance as Sergeant for a total of four months. This amount of time is nothing to shake a stick at, especially when you take a look at the roster she has on hand. The likes of Shi Long and Macron Sadow hold spots within the Squadron, and Scarlet never hesitates to take the lead despite the pedigree she stares down on a daily basis.

Since her last recognition, Scarlet has continued to rise above the expectations placed upon her. She has taken part in sixteen Competitions, and in addition to that has organized seven of her own. The fruits of her labour come in the form of three Amethyst Crescents, and a Ruby Crescent. In the process of bettering herself, she dove into Jedi Academy without a thought to her level of skill and put it all on the line to compete. This has contributed to her receipt of twenty Clusters of Fire and four Clusters of Ice that she has received for Fiction thus far. Additionally, she has passed three courses in the Shadow Academy.

During the course of the Awakenings competition, she maintained an active and encouraging voice within the Clan, offering support and instilling confidence within the member base in order to keep the activity going even if she didn't always feel this confidence herself. Still, she hopped into both the Run-On and Joint Fiction events and took to the field, adding her fiction to the Clan proper regardless of her own self-doubt, proving her drive in the process.

It is all this that defines Scarlet as a zealous leader within Naga Sadow, and an effective presence that I am glad to count among my team. She has earned this recognition, of that I have no doubt.

Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan

Darth Renatus, 2015-09-19 15:43:46 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Scarlet for a Anteian Cross, since her coming to Naga Sadow she has been a paragon of activity. She is keen to push herself taking part in an impressive 3 Shadow Academy Courses. She has done much more than this, running 7 competitions, these were both Clan and Brotherhood wide. This didn’t stop her from taking part in any competitions herself, racking up an impressive 16 in participation and earning herself a total of 4 crescents, 20 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice and a Scroll of Indoctrination.

Scarlet has recently taken on the role of Battle Team Leader of Sapphire Squadron, and before that held the position of Battle Team Sergeant for four months. In both of these positions she has been working closely with the members of the team as well as taking charge of the teams admin like weekly activity reports to the Houses summit it was well as working on updating and reworking the team's wiki page. Keep up the good work Scarlet and congratulations

Aedile of House Shar Dakhan

Inarya Tiberius Entar, 2015-09-19 15:43:41 UTC
Event ID
Master Bentre Stahoes
Steel Cross
Requested by
Darth Renatus
Primary reason

Hitting the ground running doesn't begin to describe the mindset that Bentre Stahoes brings to the table. He exemplifies each and every principle that I could ever ask for in a member, and the best part is that I never had to. He is utterly self-motivated in his thirst to advance in not only the Clan, but the Brotherhood itself. That drive can be seen in everything that he has done, and continues to do, in service to not only the Clan, but himself.

The Shadow Academy can still count Bentre amongst its adherents, as he earned himself a commendable twenty-three passed Courses, with three completed Mavens in the process. Not content to stop there, Stahoes continues to make his mark outside the Clan as well as within it with his thirst for competition. Since his last recognition, Bentre has participated in fifty-five competitions and organized two of his own. That is an impressive amount, and one that could only be attained through a drive that is hard to come by. His efforts have seen him claim two Amethyst Crescents, three Emerald Crescents, five Ruby Crescents, and an jaw dropping twelve Sapphire Crescents. That paints the picture more than any words could, making it plain as day the amount of effort he puts into every action he takes.

As a result of his competitive spirit, Bentre has managed to rack up a none-too-shabby stock of two-hundred sixty Clusters of Fire, paired up with fifty-eight Clusters of Earth, and trailed by a chaser of thirty-one Clusters of Ice with a side of six Pendants of Blood. Not content to merely compete, Bentre also dove into the wiki itself, an act that many steer clear of, with such gusto that he was recognized by Selika Roh di Plagia as Wikipedian of the Month for August 2015, marking him with a Dark Side Scroll.

At the time of writing, Bentre has served as the leader of the Devil's Shroud battleteam for roughly two months. For those two months I don't think there has been a single day where he has not contacted me with some question or request pertaining to his team. He recognized instantly that there was an opportunity for growth and dove into that mess head first. He never acts without making sure the path he is to take has been thoroughly investigated, and okayed by the House leadership. He leads from the front, only looking back in order to help raise others along the same path he treads without belittling them for falling short of the standards he sets for himself, lofty as they are.

His drive, his passion, and the fruits of his labour have earned Bentre Stahoes his recognition, and this award.

Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan

Darth Renatus, 2015-09-19 15:30:31 UTC
Additional reasons

Bentre is one of those members that doesn’t come along very often, his activity since joining the Club has been incredible, he has been eager to better himself having taken 23 Shadow Academy Courses earning himself 3 Degrees. His activity hasn’t just been limited to this as he is one of the most active gamers in the House earning 260 Clusters of Fire and 6 Pendants of Blood. Bentre’s talents are not solely limited to gaming as he has been awarded 31 Clusters of Ice through various ACC Matches and has been a awarded a Dark Side Scroll for having his wiki page featured as the page of the month for August 2015. Eager to keep himself busy Bentre has taken part in 55 competitions and has earned himself an impressive 22 crescents. Not happy with just taking part in competition he has also organised 2 of his own.

Bentre had been service as Battle Team Leader of Devil’s Shroud for 2 months now frequently keeping in contact with all of the members of his Battle Team as well as keeping his House Summit updated with all of the activity of the team. He has also been working updating and rewriting the Battle Teams wiki page. You have earned the Medal Bentre, keep up the good work and congratulations.

Aedile of House Shar Dakhan

Inarya Tiberius Entar, 2015-09-19 15:30:24 UTC
19 Sep, 2015
A deleted dossier was awarded 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star