Event History

Displaying events 104831 - 104840 of 182595 in total
Event ID
Jalen Ramz
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Flashpoints on or before 2015-08-27

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-08-27 23:30:29 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Golden Recommendation Award for a great EQ1 promotion for Zednich.

Zanet Xox, 2015-08-27 20:11:44 UTC
Event ID
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Crescent with Topaz Star
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Golden Recommendation Award for a great Dark Cross recommendation for Caesar. Two-time winner!

Zanet Xox, 2015-08-27 19:57:33 UTC
Event ID
Epis Locke Sonjie
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For contributions to the Character Sheet 2.0 project in the form of email-discussion feedback and input, writing, creating, and debating content as well as assisting with general tasks to the Combat Master and Voice Staff over the course of the ongoing project.

Locke was an active participation in different email threads that detailed tasks being assigned between he various elements of Character Sheets 2.0. This includes discussions over Skill Tier write-ups, Force Power usage, Species and how they would interact with our system, character sheet mechanics, and jumping between multiple documents to add content and revisions. He has also done a good job of taking his knowledge of CS 2.0 and helping his members getting up to speed.

Thank you for your hard work.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 03:42:49 UTC
Event ID
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For contributions to the Character Sheet 2.0 project in the form of email-discussion feedback and input, writing, creating, and debating content as well as assisting with general tasks to the Combat Master and Voice Staff over the course of the ongoing project.

TR was very vocal in the Species discussion threads that came up multiple times over the course of CS 2.0 discussions. He was active on both Telegram and Email threads on a regular basis, and was one of the first people to try and tackle a template and write up for the initial Species 2.0 document. He weighed in on Force Power behavior, gave feedback on Skill Teir mechanics and write ups as well.

Thank you for your hard work.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 03:42:53 UTC
27 Aug, 2015
A deleted dossier was awarded 1 Dark Cross
Event ID
Adem Bol'era
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For contributions to ACC Venues 2.0 by providing detailed write-ups of venues that have become apart of the ACC. Adem wrote the Kamino Landing platform in great detail, which served as the example I used to show the other contributors of how I wanted ACC Venues to be written. He also drafted the Hoth: Ice Caves, which were revised by A'lora and I. Adem joined for a short time, but accomplished something great that really added to the project and created on of my favorite venues.

Thank you for your hard work.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 03:43:01 UTC
Event ID
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For contributions to ACC Venues 2.0 by providing detailed write-ups of venues that have become apart of the ACC. Kiwi co-wrote the Oricon: Ruined Fortress and Oricon: Starship Graveyard. Both of these venues have been popular selections since being green-lit and members are enjoying writing in them. He was vocal in the Species email thread discussion, weighed in on the 1-5 Weapons Skills tiers for "Blunt Weapons" and "Bladed Weapons".

Thank you for your hard work.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 03:53:28 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

Wraith came to us mere days ago and he already showed his ability to dedicate to the club. With those couple of days he completed 4 degrees, to include 2 Mavens, and 28 courses taken. Last but not least he earned 4 PoBs. I'm excited to see where Wraith will go within CSP. Keep up the great work!

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-08-27 03:24:52 UTC
Event ID
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Turel was one of the first members I drafted to become part of my CS 2.0 Development team. It started with him complaining to me about how the Disciplines were very “Dark Side”. It was never something that had occurred to me, but when we sat down to try and workshop it, I realized he had a very good point. Fast forward to the announcement of the new Paths and Orders (and the inclusion of Gray Jedi) and his forward thinking all of a sudden looks borderline clairvoyant. Instead of just throwing his hands up at something he did not like, Turel offered suggestions on how the Disciplines could be neutralized. As we started to work on those together, he also became my go-to for extracting the old Discipline Feats and helping me re-write and workshop them logistically. Disciplines are one of the marquee features of CS 2.0 and Turel’s input was invaluable to me on what I consider my biggest contribution to the Character Sheets. Without him, I don’t think that this would have gotten done.

Beyond that, Turel has been, and continues to be, one of the most vocal members of the CS Development team. He has had a hand in helping argue and discuss countless Skills, Force Powers and Feats and is responsible for the new addition of “Tactics” that has become a popular selection.

Turel is a stellar example of a Brotherhood Leader who doesn’t stop at his “salary” job to still put his heart and soul into an unofficially team role. This is me rewarding his trust in me, and a way of thanking him for the hard work. Thanks, Turel!

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:59:11 UTC