Event History

Displaying events 104861 - 104870 of 182617 in total
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

Wraith came to us mere days ago and he already showed his ability to dedicate to the club. With those couple of days he completed 4 degrees, to include 2 Mavens, and 28 courses taken. Last but not least he earned 4 PoBs. I'm excited to see where Wraith will go within CSP. Keep up the great work!

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-08-27 03:24:52 UTC
Event ID
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Turel was one of the first members I drafted to become part of my CS 2.0 Development team. It started with him complaining to me about how the Disciplines were very “Dark Side”. It was never something that had occurred to me, but when we sat down to try and workshop it, I realized he had a very good point. Fast forward to the announcement of the new Paths and Orders (and the inclusion of Gray Jedi) and his forward thinking all of a sudden looks borderline clairvoyant. Instead of just throwing his hands up at something he did not like, Turel offered suggestions on how the Disciplines could be neutralized. As we started to work on those together, he also became my go-to for extracting the old Discipline Feats and helping me re-write and workshop them logistically. Disciplines are one of the marquee features of CS 2.0 and Turel’s input was invaluable to me on what I consider my biggest contribution to the Character Sheets. Without him, I don’t think that this would have gotten done.

Beyond that, Turel has been, and continues to be, one of the most vocal members of the CS Development team. He has had a hand in helping argue and discuss countless Skills, Force Powers and Feats and is responsible for the new addition of “Tactics” that has become a popular selection.

Turel is a stellar example of a Brotherhood Leader who doesn’t stop at his “salary” job to still put his heart and soul into an unofficially team role. This is me rewarding his trust in me, and a way of thanking him for the hard work. Thanks, Turel!

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:59:11 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Nathan/Denath is kind of a wizard. He’s the kind of wizard that when given a task, simply goes about it like a whirlwind and then when it’s done, you’re left with the desired result of what you had asked for. While his primary focus became my official “Spreadsheet/Data Wizard” for CS 2.0, he was also engaged in every discussion we had about the content that would be going in and tried his hand at writing a handful of improvements.

One of the first things Denath did was create the “Corrected Feats” tab for the Feats 2.0 spreadsheet This involved combing through all existing feats in the database that had syntax, typos, and spelling errors (hey, Google Sheets doesn’t have spellcheck, sue us --CS 1.0 writers) and highlighting them for revision when I would manually go in and update all the Feats. The overall sheet he created, with breakdown, helped us map out which skills/powers lacked Feats, which contributed to us being able to create more Feats for more diversification of character. As with anything he created, Denath created tables, filters, text wrapping, and all the awesome things that made it easier for me to create, organize, and delegate tasks for moving the project forward. He proofed a lot of the syntax coding for the {brace} code for Force Powers, Feats, Skills and the Disciplines document. He color coded the Feats+Breakdown to help keep it organized, and imported data between sheets/tables using automagic-sorcery that I don’t know how he did it but just know that he made it work, and it’s awesome. He helped create two Feats that were added into the system, and penned out 11 Pre-Written Aspects that I was able to revise, lightly edit and add into the system. He penned out the first drafts of the 1-5 tier write ups for 18 Force Powers, which laid the groundwork for revision and editing down the line. He contributed to discussions about Feats and Force powers, along with critiquing and providing feedback on various content.

He also worked with Alora on creating the Species Bible Overview, pulling from the statistics provided by James. Denath helped pen the entries for 10 Races (Echani, Duros, Umbaran, Elomin, Epicanthix, Gungan, Iktotchi, Kaleesh, Sakiyan and contribution to the Miraluka box).

Denath Wiki-fied the Fore Powers, Skills, and Disciplines pages, utilizing Templates that were created by Terran Koul and Mav. This included creating a category for the Species images (Category:Images-Species) to make sure the Wiki folks didn't cross with us. He manually uploaded (since there is no bulk option) 53 species images to the WIki, including fair use and category tags with original image links (made by A’lora). He then continued to assist with debugging and keeping on top of edits that were required for post-launch maintenance. He created the bug tracker that I am using now to make sure that the whole of the CS Project is made as perfect (presentation wise, at least) as it can be.

All of this shows a certain kind of long-term loyalty to not himself, but the Brotherhood as a whole. For this, I believe that Denath is the MVP of the CS 2.0 project. I don’t think I would have made it happen without him. Thanks Denath for everything. I really appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 03:09:52 UTC
Event ID
Terran Koul
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Terran came in and stepped up for the last phase of the CS 2.0. When I needed it most, he was able to effortlessly immerse himself in the various tasks that needed to be accomplished for launch to happen. One of the most noticeable ones that members of the Brotherhood will see is the beautifully designed Wikipedia templates for Disciplines, Skills, Species, and Force Powers. I outlined a vision I had, and Terran patiently workshopped and magic’d the Wiki style sheets to reflect my designs. The result is easy to read, neat, and well presented source material/information for the Brotherhood's Character Sheets.

Beyond this, Terran is the most active contributor to CS Development discussions. He has offered feedback and alternative solutions to almost every single subject that comes up, without fail. His consistency, passion, and drive are infectious in driving conversations, and while not all of his suggestions make it in, they are always pushing and questioning the team to do its best to make the best calls.

Where Terran really earned this Steel Cross, however, is in the initiative he took in creating something I had not even considered: the Character Sheets Q&A. I had been trying to think of how best to handle the plethora of technical questions that were thrown at the team for clarification on CS 2.0 changes. The Q&A is now an easy place to point members at, and will become a staple and important key to better understanding of the sheets across the board for multiple Brotherhood competitions that rely on the CSs.

For all of this, and the continued contributions to the CS Development team, thank you, Terran. I really appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:57:19 UTC
Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

I made it a few months without relying on my official proof-wench--I mean buddy. I had gotten so spoiled by it that I didn’t realize until the end of CS 2.0 development that I was missing a key component. Originally brought in for the Great Miraluka Debate (don’t ask), Atyiru never really went away or faded back. She quietly managed to slip her opinion into the discussions that followed, and volunteered to help with small tasks like looking up a piece of information for me. Beyond that, Atyiru did a full pass over almost every document before it was published, finding and spotting grammar and syntax errors and offering suggestions on alternative wording and changes. Even after being posted to the Wiki, she still managed to find and spot errors that were able to be fixed. Atyiru has also contributed greatly to discussions relating to the future of the CS’s, and brings an level of introspection and calmness that the...opinionated CS Development team sometimes desperately needs.

Thanks for all the hard work on short notice and in the last stretch of the project, Atty. I appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:56:56 UTC
Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Arden triples down as a member of the Voice Staff, ACC Staff, and the CS Development team. For CS 2.0, Arden was involved in every single major discussion involving Feats, Aspects, Skills, Force Powers, Disciplines, and Species. Active in both Telegram and Email threads, he became a key proofer/checker on anything that was written/created. He did multiple passes as we went along and made sure I’s were dotted and T’s were crossed. While not flashy or glamorous, his attention to small details help reflect the true polish of every aspect of CS 2.0. On the content side, Arden wrote over a dozen Species and researched their details and wrote the first drafts of their Feats. He penned three Aspects that ended up being added into the database as well. Again, while Ardens behind-the-scenes work may go overlooked, he is the most active member of the team, responds to tasks assigned quicker than most and is not afraid to switch between the innumerous documents and sheets that made up CS 2.0’s backend.

On top of all of this, Arden did one of the harder manual input jobs of CS 2.0’s launch. He manually added/edited the 2 new Species Feats on the database end. This requires careful data entry combined with making sure the right filters/rules are selected from the creation boxes. Arden did this quickly and efficiently in time with the launch of CS 2.0

Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to work on, Arden. I appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:57:53 UTC
Event ID
Darth Renatus
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Atra flexes his muscles as both an ACC Judge and Magistrate to the Voice, so his contribution to the CS 2.0 project can almost be taken for granted as he’s been a staple of the team since it began. For CS 2.0 specifically, Atra contributed heavily to the Feats and Skills write ups, penning the initial and revised trees for Lore, Investigation, Manipulation, Diplomacy, and Pilot (L). He created feats for Suppression as well as weighed in on multiple other feats with mechanical insight. He also helped with write ups for Kel Dor, Epicanthix, and Falleen while being engaged in almost any discussion on Telegram or the Email Group. He has also stepped up with answering questions for me on the CS 2.0 Questions thread, and updating the Q&A. Thank you for the hard work, Brometheus. I appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:58:44 UTC
Event ID
Seer A'lora Kituri
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

I had really only known Alora for his Graphics skills up until the point that he applied for the CS Development Team. I have to say it was a pleasant surprise to see him tackle so much more than just graphical content for the project (though he was amazing in this regard). As a content creator, Alora was responsible for creating the original document and template for Species 2.0, penned/drafted innumerous individual species Feats, as well as the Species Bible that helps us track canon vs non canon Species, and who authored each respective addition. He created the main document formatting for the Feats 2.0 document that we worked out of and created 2 unique feats that were added to the system. Alora also worked with Viv with creating a time-scaling formula for the way that Force Powers would come to behave. On Force Powers 2.0 itself, he helped with the main document formatting, re-wrote the Farsight power, and other additional notes and feedback. For Venues 2.0, Alora had a hand in writing and revising 7 of them with my assistance.

Going beyond all of these contributions, where Alora really shined was giving CS 2.0 a needed visual flare. I outlined what I wanted done, and he delivered quicker than I ever thought possible. This amounted to creating an image template for Species “headshots” and 53 image-assets that could be used to give a visual to the Species we choose to represent our characters. Alora also created a filter based off my design that could be applied to each Venues images, and now our new venues all have cool vibrant images that add a sense of immersion that they all came from the same holo-type database.

Alora still continues to step up to tasks he feels he can assist with. He has been an invaluable asset to the CS Development team, all while running a Clan of Lighties.

Thanks a lot, Alora. I appreciate everything you do for us.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:59:38 UTC
Event ID
General Stres'tron'garmis
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Kordath bravely stepped in at the 25th hour to manually copy/paste and transcribe the details of over 50 species from a Google Doc into a Wikipedia template. This is not something that can be automated and required concentration to be executed properly. Kordath not only did this well, but in a timely manner that coincided with the rest of CS 2.0 launch. Thank you for your hard work and quick turn around time on lending a hand to the team.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:54:25 UTC
Event ID
Chasse Ordin
Dark Cross
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

For creation of YouTube video that will help new members visually understand how to submit different matches within the DJB. The DJB to a new member can be a very overwhelming thing and Sim as we call him took his time to build this together. The video is already on the rising to maybe be featured through the FIST for all the DJB as well. Congrats Sim and few the video below!


Maximus Alvinius, 2015-08-27 01:31:04 UTC