Event History

Displaying events 105851 - 105860 of 182651 in total
Event ID
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

A lot of people who meet Mirus will mistake him. It's an inevitable part of his personality, that those around him are inclined to either adore the man for all he is or find themselves unable to stand him. He's polarizing. He's demanding. And I do not mean 'demanding' in that he asks for things for himself or whines and cries until something is given to him. I mean demanding in that he is provocative. Everything about him demands a reaction, and sometimes that means negativity just as much as positivity. Often, then, can his truer characteristics be easily overlooked, his accomplishments easily obscured behind the glare of his bright-eyed, sharp-tongued fervor.

Mirus is selfless. He has consistently volunteered for the burdens of leadership and project work alike throughout his Brotherhood career, has had his hands in more jars of guides, graphics, and games than most people ever think of. He has run multiple competitions for his fellow members in the trenches with no more obligation than the desire to contribute and to energize his brethren, including, most recently, a unique design-your-own arms and armor graphics competition within Arcona. He has, on multiple occasions, seen a need or want for work to be done and merely sat down to do it, without being told or asked, often without it even being his responsibility to do so - and so too if he saw someone needed help, be it in struggling with a given task or searching for an answer to a particular question. And then, still, there are the times when it's not a job he's going out of his way to do, but a gesture of kindness or care: creating my own report graphics as a surprise gift, talking with various members when they feel down, encouraging responses and hype in emails and chats where an extra shot of enthusiasm might be needed.

He does all these sorts of things without any regard for himself, and with little recognition. It is my job, then, to be selfish for him, to tell everyone, along with all the others who will voice their opinions in this recommendation today, why he deserves this Grand Cross. It is because he cares, he dedicates, and he does so only in the name of service to all those around him. To me, there is little better a definition of loyalty or achievement, and so little more to say than congratulations.

Atyiru Caesura Entar Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-07-31 15:22:53 UTC
Additional reasons

Not everyone understands Mirus. Not everyone gets that his passion in life is inseparable from his passion for the DB. He's feisty, he's competitive, and he's immensely talented. Most of all, he cares. Maybe more than he should.

When an individual is passionate and outspoken, it's easy to get caught up in the things they say and ignore the things they do. As leaders, one of our hardest jobs is to not fall into that trap. So here is what Mirus has done.

In the 16 months since Mirus' last promotion, he's served as Magistrate or Praetor to both the Herald and the Grand Master, Aedile of Clan Odan-Urr, and earned enough medals to build a fort that could have actually defended the Death Star's shield generators. It's bordering on criminal that he has failed to be rewarded for his consistent activity and devotion to the Brotherhood during that time period. He's earned 4 Dark Crosses for individual activities, 44 Crescents, 9 Pendants of Blood, 24 Clusters of Ice, over 1000 Clusters of Earth, and nearly 500 Clusters of Fire. In addition to that impressive list, he has garnered 4 Scrolls of Foundation, a Scroll of the Master, 8 Legions of the Scholar, 22 Vendetta Seals and a Seal of Loyalty.

Despite all of that, he's neither been considered for promotion nor received a merit medal in over a year. Mirus is the epitome of the level of activity we normally only dream of seeing in the Brotherhood's membership. If I could have a dozen of him, I'd place an order today, even if shipping them in from Australia cost a King's ransom.

I've had two regrets since meeting Mirus: that I didn't meet him sooner and that I couldn't recognize his contributions as he properly deserves. One of these, at least, I can now rectify.

Congratulations, Mirus. Out of every member I have the pleasure of serving, you've earned this the most.

  • Terran Koul, Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2015-07-31 15:14:38 UTC

I recall when I first met Mirus as a new transfer to House Odan-Urr from House Marka Ragnos. Before his appointment to Aedile after I vacated the position due to collegiate pursuits, Mirus was involved in most projects shaping Odan-Urr at the time. The largest of these being Project Transcendance, which was a collection of documents meant to prepare Odan-Urr for the long-awaited elevation to Clan status. In it, such things as structure changes, proposals and a loose plot concept were introduced, as well as articles for two new worlds - as it was believed that we might be granted them within our system after becoming a Clan. This formed the baseline that I built off of when making the solo initiative that was used when Odan-Urr finally became a Clan, cutting down the work for this significantly.

The second notable project was the Order of New Tython, which was a plan to introduce an in-House society with titles, positions and ranks. While the document was fleshed out and planned accordingly, it was never released to the public. I have since preserved copies of projects such as these for future use to combine them with new projects as time progresses. Nonetheless, it remains as an example of his attention to detail in proposals, despite the chances that such things might be shot down. It also goes to show that while his idea might have never made approval, it never deterred his work ethic.

Last and foremost was the Titian Initiative. At that time, Mirus was well-known as the “Titan of New Tython” for being the most active and hardest-working member of Odan-Urr. In an effort to encourage members to become Titans themselves, Mirus created a well-documented guide on how a member can reach his level of contributions and get recognition for it. This was a successful approach, and was a source of inspiration to Turel Sorenn, another major contributor to Odan-Urr and later, Arcona.

Under a new catchphrase of “HOU Hype”, Odan-Urr’s participation as a House reached it’s highest threshold before it became a Clan under Mirus’ term as Aedile. He managed to train Rhiann Baenre to the rank of Jedi Knight, who has also managed to become a prominent figure in the Herald staff, herself. It was an honour working alongside him, and I wish him the best of luck moving forward.

A’lora Kituri, High Councillor of Clan Odan-Urr

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2015-07-31 15:15:04 UTC

Mirus is someone I have known and worked with since my earliest days in the Club. He has been like a big brother to me, a mentor, a source of encouragement, a height to aspire to and even a rival. His passion and zeal are undeniable, which at times became a double edged sword.

Mirus is the type who leads by example. When he sees something that needs to be done he attacks it with his absolute effort without asking if it’s his job and without any thought of reward or recognition. When the unit has a mission he throws himself headlong into the frontlines of activity, doing, quite literally, ‘all the things.’

Even when Mirus is not acting in an official position, he inspires everyone he comes into contact with and leads them to victory no matter the endeavor. He saw a need to promote gaming activity in HOU and created a multi-platform decathlon known as the “Odan-Urr Iron Man of Gaming” with creative and challenging competitions to great effect with high participation and an extremely close competition for the title. He created the unofficial position as HOU “head cheerleader” complete with a supplemental “cheer report” to rally and unify the membership. The now outdated (thanks to clanning) battlecry “HOU HYPE!” was created by him to raise morale and soon found itself on the lips of the entire House. As Aedile he was instrumental in the successful HOU multi-week event Affliction. All this is in additional to the individual accolades and project work other recommenders have covered.

Please accept this small token for your service to the Brotherhood. “Battle-Brothers to the end”

  • Turel Sorenn
  • Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr
  • Quaestor Emeritus, House Galeres, Clan Arcona
  • Knight-Commander Emeritus, Knights of Allusis, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2015-07-31 15:16:24 UTC

There’s something you need to know about Mirus. He’s one of those people you’ll probably love or hate. He’s one of those people who can rub off on you the wrong way in an instant, but can also win you back over. His attitude is often taken the wrong way, but it’s part of who he is. He’s upfront, demanding and pushy. These, however, are not bad things. They’re easy to mistake as such, but they’re not. Every single thing he has touched here at the Brotherhood came with all of what I’ve said-- and every single thing has improved the position he’s been in or the place he was a part of. There’s nowhere he goes without leaving his own imprint in things, leaving lasting impressions and things for people to use again in the future.

It all started with Odan-Urr. Eager to see this rising independant house become a clan, everything Mirus did was a step toward that. He wrote ‘The Titan Initiative’ to explain what it was like to be a truly active member and be the best you can be for your unit; something still looked upon by people today. He took the position of Aedile for a short time, taking it upon himself to improve how summit communicated with one another; implementing the use of Trello and Whatsapp-- which started the use of other communication tools to this day. He helped improve the Rollmaster position, fashioning up guides to help out both the Rollmaster understand their job and the new Padawans in their new journey into the Brotherhood; also assisting me with the revamping of the Master/Padawan program. He held several unit wide events to a great success, bringing large amounts of activity and interest to everyone of Odan-Urr. On top of this and a good handful of other small activities, Mirus had himself deeply immersed into the clanning document, only solidifying his drive and determination to see things until they’ve gotten to where they need to be.

Even now, nestled quietly into Arcona, Mirus never pauses. Every time someone needed something graphics related, he’d do it. He wouldn’t give them a choice. Although he was no longer part of Herald staff, his drive and love for graphics followed him and insisted that he make his mark on Arcona. It’s hard to look around the reports without seeing his handiwork somewhere. He’s just a beast that won’t slow down, no matter what’s latched to him and dragging him down.

I’ve been with Mirus through every single step of my time here in the Brotherhood and every single step I have never felt more proud to have him as my master and best friend. His own drive, love and devotion to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood fueled my own, wanting to do nothing more but to follow along and at least try to keep up with his shadow… but this man has no off button, nor will I think we’ll ever find one. Even now he keeps going after being awardless for so long-- but no longer.

For everything you have done for the Brotherhood and everyone around you here, I’m so very happy and proud to recommend you for this Grand Cross. Don’t ever stop being who you are.

Rhiann Baenre Battleteam Leader of Shadow Gate, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona Praetor to the Herald

Vivibelle Baenre, 2015-07-31 15:19:58 UTC

What’s there to say about Mirus that has not already been stated? His dedicated service? Leading by example, even when not in an official position of leadership? Generating hype and convincing members do everything possible and more? Yes, it’s all been said. However, there is no other way to describe Mirus because that is exactly who he is.

Since he joined House Qel-Droma, Mirus has been an energetic and constant presence in the Clan channel on IRC, Whatsapp and the Clan/House mailers. His activity in the Antei Contract Bureau Pilot was nothing short of inspirational, having been the first to request a mission the moment it became DB Wide. From Apex Brigade where he contributed majorly in assisting his former apprentice Rhiann in fleshing out the fictional path of the team to doing graphics upon request (see the Report Graphics I have been using), to the competition he ran in May’s Port Ol’val Appreciation Month and revamping the Arconan Fade Initiative, Mirus has been a driving force in furthering the aims of Arcona.

Working with him has been a true pleasure and I’m looking forward to seeing what he comes up with next. For all of his monumental efforts, I’m quite proud to be recommending Mirus for a Grand Cross.

It’s been a long time coming, mate. Congratulations!

  • Celevon Edraven
  • Quaestor, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona
  • Commissioner, Antei Contract Bureau

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-07-31 15:17:59 UTC

Mirus has been a valuable addition to the Crusade Ribbons project since its inception. While it was originally Shikyo’s project, then passed to Orv and Socorra, it was Mirus that finalized the design and then, almost a year later, helped Rhiann and me finish it all in one swift swoop. He has completed no less than 181 Cases in no more than three days time. Considering the amount of work needed to cross reference the spreadsheets and then manually create, save and upload the graphics.. All that with only one minor mistake that was fixed in under a minute. That is nothing short of amazing work.

I would humbly like to submit my recommendation for Mirus’ Grand Cross as a big thank you for his help. Without him we wouldn’t have gotten it all done as soon as we did. Thank you, Mirus.

V’yr Vorsa Herald of the Brotherhood

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2015-07-31 15:20:28 UTC
Event ID
Maximus Alvinius
Scroll of Indoctrination
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

For recruiting Ashlynn Cruise

Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-07-31 04:25:00 UTC
Event ID
Warlord Pel Tarentae
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

1500 words of fiction (Fiction Activity #822)

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2015-07-30 23:30:58 UTC
Event ID
Terran Koul
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Diablo 3 Elite Kills on or before 2015-07-30

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:54 UTC
Event ID
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Diablo 3 Elite Kills on or before 2015-07-30

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:49 UTC
Event ID
Braecen Kaeth
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Reaching Level 70 or a defined Paragon Level with a Diablo 3 character (DJB Danialla Paragon Level 60) on or before 2015-07-30

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:46 UTC
Event ID
Battlelord Ra'gnar
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For earning max Synergy in with Ships (1,2,3) on or before 2015-07-30

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:43 UTC
Event ID
Athrun Zala
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
3.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For completing Star Conflict PVP Matches on or before 2015-07-30

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:40 UTC
30 Jul, 2015
A deleted dossier was awarded 5 Clusters of Fire
Event ID
Nite Dawn
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Diablo 3 Elite Kills on or before 2015-07-30

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2015-07-30 23:30:37 UTC