Event History

Displaying events 122041 - 122050 of 182651 in total
Event ID
Chaosrain Taldrya
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Chaosrain Taldrya is one of those members you don't hear much from but will always see being involved in something important – just as it was during the Dark Crusade. Chaos put a very strong mark in the Dark Crusade, outmatching and outscoring almost four fifth of every members from the Brotherhood. Though nine fifth of all events already make up an awesome performance, the quality of his submissions were where it comes to matters. Out of all the 29 Events Chaos has entered he has taken Novae in 8 of them home and thus ensured Taldryan's victory on more than one occasion.

Chaos' constant, reliability and dedication over the course of a Vendetta running almost a full year can't go unrecognized as can't his achievements.

Chaos, you have not only been one of the most most active member of Taldryan, taking part in 29 events throughout the Dark Crusade and earning 5 Gold Novae, 2 Silver Novae and 1 Bronze Novae. Such actions demands to be rewarded properly, and this request for a Sapphire Blade could not go for a more deserving member of Taldryan.

Rian Aslar, Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-24 01:42:40 UTC
Additional reasons

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to a member who has shown consistent and long-term service to their Unit or Brotherhood position. Such services however cannot be seen until taken on a whole, each individual part seen as one. The Sapphire Blade can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large-scale competition such as the Great Jedi War, where the very best are rewarded for their efforts.

The Dark Crusades supply us with a perhaps a unique venue for the awarding of the Sapphire Blade, because during the course of the Vendetta both of the criteria for awarding it can be realized. When it comes to consistent effort and dedication, very few people in the Dark Brotherhood can compete with Chaosrain Taldrya. His performance in the final round of the Dark Crusades helped propel Taldryan to victory on Dromund Kaas, and was fully indicative of his overall performance throughout the Crusades. There is little doubt in my mind that Chaos’ continued efforts was one of the keys to Taldryan placing third in the Vendetta.

His personal performance marks Chaos as one of the premiere performers in the Dark Brotherhood, placing in the 95th percentile of activity, his extraordinary amount of activity ensuring that he would participate in more events than all but 13 members in the entire club. On top of all that, Chaosrain Taldrya showed that he was also to be reckoned with as one of the most skilled members in the Brotherhood, earning a total of 8 Nova, which ranks him in the 90th percentile of all participating members, outperforming all but 19 members in the club.

Chaos’ performance in the Crusades was amazing, as was he. But his contributions to the Dark Crusades are possibly only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to quantifying his contributions to Taldryan over the past 6 months that I have been Aedile. There are very few people who are quite as willing to take up extra work that I have for them, and even fewer that only complain a little when I just drop projects on them. Chaosrain Taldrya is one of the few that fits both categories. I’ve always got a few projects or side projects going on, whether it be planning Taldryan’s fictional future, or working with Taldryan’s wikipedia articles, Chaos is one of the first to help me out. Though his name doesn’t get plastered on the articles or entries themselves, Chaos is one of my most trusted sounding boards. When I need a second set of eyes, or research done on a subject, Chaos is always willing to put in the extra effort to make sure I can get the projects I start finished. His fingerprints aren’t always the most visible, but there is not a single project that I have started or completed in my time as Aedile that Chaos has not significantly helped bring to completion.

As such, I am proud to recommend that he be rewarded for his efforts with a Sapphire Blade.

Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile and Loyal Son of Taldryan.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-24 01:42:23 UTC
Event ID
Kaz Raith
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

When it comes to Kazmir Natas, one finds a passionate member, who is not only active on IRC and on the mailing list, but is constantly in search of a project he could bite his teeth into. Graphics-, Fiction- Wiki-related, it doesn't matter, if there is something to do, he will do it, not for his personal glory but simply to get it done.

The Dark Crusade was no different on this regard for Kazmir, as he has had an almost flawless run during the first Phase of the Dark Crusade until he fared a grave change in his real life situation which caused him to pause his activities for the third month of the Crusade before he came back for the latter part of the Dark Crusade. Kazmir's overall performance in the Dark Crusade placed him among the upper tier of participation and placings, being outparticipated by only 27 members respectively outplaced by 33 members out of the 243 members that have participated in the Dark Crusade.

Talking about Kazmir's work outside the Dark Crusade, during the last year, Kazmir has been part of the Herald Staff, and helped much during the transition from the old to the new website, including setting up a temporary custom lightsaber and warbanner request form, has fleshed out a total of four Taldryan NPC wikis and took part in the Taldryan military and dominion wiki overhauls and last but not least trained one of Taldryan's Journeymen to the knighthood.

Good members come and go, eventually they get burned out or simply loos the drive and get bored, but Ladies and Gentlemen, Kazmir Natas is not of this kind, for he works hard and harder never losing his drive but always finding new quests and tasks to solve. This level of dedication and devotion to better the Brotherhood deserves something special, and thus, it is my greatest pleasure to request Sith Battlemaster Kazmir Natas to be bestowed with a Sapphire Blade! This one is for you Kaz, congratz!

Rian Aslar, Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-24 01:51:40 UTC
Additional reasons

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to a member who has shown consistent and long-term service to their Unit or Brotherhood position. Such services however cannot be seen until taken on a whole, each individual part seen as one. The Sapphire Blade can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large-scale competition such as the Great Jedi War, where the very best are rewarded for their efforts.

Kazmir has been one of the best assets that Taldryan has had during the Dark Crusades. His efforts on behalf of his unit place him in the strata of a top level performer in the Dark Brotherhood. Kazmir’s participation rating saw him place in the 88th percentile of Dark Brotherhood members, taking part in more events than all but 27 members of the club. In terms of skill, Kazmir ranks in the 84th percentile, outperforming all but 33 members of the Club. Given that he is only a Sith Battlemaster, Kazmir’s performance belies his rank, showing him to be a more consistent and skilled performer than a huge section of the Dark Brotherhood.

His efforts in the last round of the Dark Crusades are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Kazmir’s participation. Finishing it off with a perfect performance score, and helping Taldryan toward it’s domination of the Special Forces ranks on Dromund Kaas is valuable in and of itself, but what stands out in my mind, is how much work Kazmir does outside of what one would call his regular duties for Taldryan.

Kazmir’s desire to constantly be inundated with more activities means that he has become one of my most valuable workers. His efforts have led him to be one of the point men on reworking Taldryan’s core of NPCs, a long standing project run by me. His efforts have also yielded results in the reworking on Taldryan’s Army, and work on the Planetary dominion project. Beyond anything, Kazmir’s dedication to helping Taldryan in any way possible, and the constant amounts of work he does for us is worthy of recognition.

So, with all of that in mind, I heartily recommend that Sith Battlemaster Kazmir Natas be awarded a Sapphire Blade.

Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile and Loyal Son of Taldryan.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-24 01:51:21 UTC
Event ID
Jac Cotelin
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Without question, Grand Master Jac Cotelin is one of the most dedicated and most devoted members of Taldryan and the Brotherhood. His performance during the Dark Crusade is far over what any House Summit expects from its members, being participation wise outnumbered by only thirteen other members, while holding the highest amount of awarded Novae to a single member during the Dark Crusade.

During the initial chapters of the Dark Crusade, Jac not only was part of the driving core in Taldryan but also spent an incredible amount of time assisting Sid and myself, transcribing the Dark Crusade website into a document that any member of Taldryan was able to access through the mailing list and on the DB message boards. Even when his real life situation changed gravely, he continued to be one of Taldryan's top participants, submitting to several events, relying only on his tablet. Then during the second part of the Crusade, Jac stepped up the plate of Taldryan's Special Forces and continued to be one of the most active member of Taldryan, taking part in 92% of the available events throughout Phase II while always being willing to help out other members, proofing their work or giving useful advices.

In summary, Jac is nearly unmatched, unbeaten and outscored by any other member of the Brotherhood, his continued dedication and devotion for the members of Taldryan and the success of the House as a Unit makes him a pure example for how any member should be like.

Jac, you have put much into the success of Taldryan and for this all I can do is thank you for all this and recommend you to be rewarded this Sapphire Blade as a token of my appreciation.

Rian Aslar, Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-24 01:48:01 UTC
Additional reasons

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to a member who has shown consistent and long-term service to their Unit or Brotherhood position. Such services however cannot be seen until taken on a whole, each individual part seen as one. The Sapphire Blade can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large-scale competition such as the Great Jedi War, where the very best are rewarded for their efforts.

When it comes down to it, there is very little that you can say about Jac Cotelin that has not been said before. I’m no longer even convinced that he’s a man at all, but maybe some weird cyborg who George Lucas’ descendants sent back in time in order to just be the most awesome collection of atoms that exists in the realms of Star Wars fanclubs.

Jac is quite simply the best, and most skilled member that the Dark Brotherhood has ever known.

During the Dark Crusades, Jac’s work speaks for itself. In the earliest rounds, Jac was a machine, helping Taldryan through activity, advice, and sheer bad assery. When the Special Forces rounds came to town, Jac was a constant presence on Taldryan’s A-Team, participating as a captain in every round.

He participated in 29 of 31 available events, including a perfect participation ratio in the final round. But in order to recognize the scope of Jac’s efforts, you need to recognize just how far above the rest of the Dark Brotherhood he really was. Jac’s activity landed him in the 95th percentile of all Brotherhood members, participating in more events than all but 13 other members in the Dark Brotherhood. On top of that, when it comes to the sheer level of his skill, Jac placed in a staggering 72% of the events he entered, and in doing so holds the solitary honour of having out-performed every single member in the Dark Brotherhood, bar none.

The Sapphire Blade is awarded for many smaller contributions over the long term, or for extraordinary amounts of activity during a Vendetta. Jac qualifies for both. In recognition of his titanic performance in the Dark Crusades, I heartily recommend that Grand Master Jac Cotelin be awarded a Sapphire Blade.

Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile and Loyal Son of Taldryan.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-24 01:47:54 UTC
Event ID
Howlader Taldrya
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

"DO ALL THINGS" From the Beginning of the Crusade until the very last second this was the one call to arms that has connected everyone in Taldryan and commited them into stepping up for the House. And there was the one who initiated this call for arms, Dark Jedi Master Howlader, and he has done all the things! Out of all members of the Brotherhood, there have been only a handful of members who have participated in very all events, and only twice as much have achieved more medals during the Crusade. This alone is a feat that makes Howlader a Force within Taldryan to be recognized.

But except his outside appearance at participating in every single event, his willingness to help other members of Taldryan to make sure that the entries coming from Taldryan meet the highest of possible quality has been a true inspiration to many others .

Even now since the end of Dark Crusade Howlader continued his work at helping my Aedile on several of his projects and serving as an adviser, I am trusting without a second thought.

Howlader for your tremendous effort and encouraging participation in the Dark Crusade, as well as your help for other members of Taldryan, I am hereby, requesting you to be rewarded with a Sapphire Blade. Thank you Howie, you really deserve this more than ones.

Rian Aslar, Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-24 01:45:31 UTC
Additional reasons

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to a member who has shown consistent and long-term service to their Unit or Brotherhood position. Such services however cannot be seen until taken on a whole, each individual part seen as one. The Sapphire Blade can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large-scale competition such as the Great Jedi War, where the very best are rewarded for their efforts.

Howlader’s performance in the Dark Crusades marks him as one of the most talented and dedicated members in the Dark Brotherhood. When it comes to participation, not a single member in the entire Dark Brotherhood participated in more events than he did, a few did as many, but not one did more… because Howlader participated in every. single. event. During the span of the Crusades, 243 members of the Brotherhood participated in at least one event. Howlader participated in 31. Not only that, but his total medal tally marked him as one of the truly elite members in skill measurements as well, finding himself in the 96th percentile of Nova earned, and was only matched or tied by 10 members in the Dark Brotherhood.

Beyond his own personal efforts on behalf of Taldryan, including a once again perfect performance in the final round, Howlader was the engine room of Taldryan. His omnipresence on IRC allowed Howlader to be the single most influential person in Taldryan at driving activity.

Since the Crusades have concluded, Howlader has been instrumental to me by completing a significant number of assignments, helping to collate and combine data sets from around the DB, and being an otherwise invaluable resource to his summit. For all these reasons and more, I heartily endorse Dark Jedi Master Howlader for receipt of a Sapphire Blade.

Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile and Loyal Son of Taldryan.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-24 01:45:15 UTC
Event ID
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Dark Cross
Requested by
Seer A'lora Kituri
Primary reason

For surprising me with a character concept that looks completely badass. Thanks!


Seer A'lora Kituri, 2013-12-24 00:58:33 UTC
Event ID
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2013-12-23

Valhavoc, 2013-12-23 23:30:13 UTC
23 Dec, 2013
A deleted dossier was awarded 14 Clusters of Fire
Event ID
Kaz Raith
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Flashpoints on or before 2013-12-23

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-23 23:30:12 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Flashpoints on or before 2013-12-23

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-23 23:30:12 UTC
Event ID
Terran Koul
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Flashpoints on or before 2013-12-23

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-23 23:30:12 UTC