Event History

Displaying events 122331 - 122340 of 182657 in total
Event ID
Alexander DelGotto
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For his time serving as battleteam leader of Tenebrae, I would like to award Alex a Dark Cross in thanks for his efforts.

Raziel, 2013-12-05 03:53:24 UTC
Event ID
Inarya Tiberius Entar
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Inarya can often get mistakenly grouped with Cethgus (a fate few deserve) for obvious reasons. However, Inarya is a member of the Brotherhood in her own right, and does well in showing her abilities as a member of Arcona. Her drawings were a huge benefit to the Arcona Dark Crusade Wiki Articles, helping her secure 4 novae, including 1 gold and 1 silver. She hit on 13/31 events despite a busy school schedule that took up most of her time, and was always present and available to help her fellow members out. She has been a great help to Dark Forge as it has developed as a team in Arcona, and Inarya has more than earned a Steal Cross. Congratulations, Ina :).

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-05 04:09:09 UTC
Additional reasons

Inarya swept through the majority of the Dark Crusade before real life got a hold of her. She snagged herself a gold nova on Svolten for the run on competition, a silver on Krayiss II for the wiki, and a pair of bronze novae; one on Svolten for the Infectious Madness fiction, and another on Kalsunor for the Battle Plan.

She's also been extremely active in gaming, especially on the Old Republic guild, running Operations and Flashpoints with the guild on a regular basis, racking up nearly one hundred Clusters of Fire in the last month alone. As the resident gamer of Dark Forge, and for her hard work during the Crusade, I'm happy to award Inarya with an Steel Cross.

Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2013-12-05 04:08:04 UTC

Few members are as stable or dedicated as Inarya. She’s been nothing but a brilliant comrade and sister-in-arms in all the time I’ve known her. Throughout the Crusade, she was a constant presence of activity, mentorship, and support; and even when, as it always tends to, her life got a bit busy for competitions, she was still always there for her fellow clanmates. Specifically, she aided her Clan in the Crusade in her participation in fourteen unique events, spanning planets and months of time. Her efforts not only earned her several Novae, but placed her in the top twenty for standing within the Clan. Yet perhaps more importantly than her strict participation was her advances in motivating her teammates to engage as well. Inarya has been an energetic and encouraging member of Dark Forge for about nine months now, and in that time, she’s always pushed her teammates and lead by example. Whether it was putting together a team for the Vendetta Run-Ons, being present and actively interacting on IRC, or responding to emails, she was always vocal in her inspiration of her fellow Battleteam members, as well as her fellow clanmates and friends around the Brotherhood. Furthermore, she had a hand in nurturing her Clan’s future and taking on the role of a teacher during the Crusade: in these last months, she took on three different students, and guided one to Dark Jedi Knight as the war raged around them; and even then, she still offered help to all Arcona’s young ones that needed advice, myself included. Between her additions to Arcona’s prosperous Crusade run and her general rallying of her brethren, Inarya’s achievements are simply outstanding.

Let it never be said that Inarya does not represent this brotherhood’s spirit, because nothing could be further from the truth. She fought for Arcona in the Vendetta, took many journeymen under her wing when they needed guidance, and continued to bolster the clan in any way that she could. While notable for her gaming activity, there’s so much more, and not enough can be said for her contributions. I can only hope this award shows our appreciation.

Congratulations on the Steel Cross, Sarah. You’ve earned it and more. Keep going, because I have no doubt you’ll go far.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2013-12-05 04:08:40 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Roxas Buurenaar
Dark Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

In the final four rounds of the Dark Crusade Roxas contributed to Naga Sadow's war effort by participating in four events.

For his dedication to Naga Sadow I would like to award him with this Dark Cross.

Master Malik Sadow, 2013-12-05 03:08:19 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Montresor has been nothing short of amazing since his arrival in Plagueis, and his activity and dedication in promoting activity and recruitment has been nothing short of exemplary.

To me, he embodies the true definition of a Leader, from top to bottom, and I can think of no one most deserving of this award than him.

You have earned this my friend, and I look forward to the months to come.

Commander Schulen
of the Battleteam Karness Muur

House Plagueis' victory in the Dark Crusade was the culmination of titanic team effort over the course of a year. Multiple members of Plagueis performed at exceptionally high levels and the entire House exceeded all participation expectations. Their unbelievable effort was capped by a final round tie-breaker that saw Plagueis members participate at unheard of levels.

The House and all of its members deserve a great deal of praise and that includes their new Quaestor, SBM Montresor. Montresor came to Plagueis following one of the must tumultuous leadership turn-overs in the history of our club. 16 members of the house left following the removal of the Plagueis QUA and AED. This vacuum could have resulted in a House Plagueis nose dive, but Montresor used it as a rallying cry to improve upon nearly every facet of the house.

Reaching out to new members and old members, Monty recruited 15 members back into Plagueis. These members responded to Monty's team spirit and their efforts secured Plagueis the Dark Crusade Victory. It would be difficult to find many other House level leaders in our club capable of bringing a nearly ruined House back together and unifying them for a final push to win a Vendetta.

For this, Monty is deserving of nearly any award within our club. Deservedly, his efforts will bring him his first Sacramental award. Congrats on your new Sapphire Blade and thanks for all your efforts in improving our club.

GM Darth Pravus

I have had the pleasure of knowing Monty since he first signed up and stepped in the door as a fresh recruit to Arcona. First as his Proconsul and then as his Consul, I got to watch him change from a member who just viewed the promotion requirements as a checklist-challenge to someone who genuinely cared about his Clan, his friends, and the club as a whole. I got to know him as a person, not just a member, and his infectious work ethic was one of the few things that helped me, as a leader, continue through some tough times this past year. It's one thing to be an active member, but to inspire those around you is truly something special. Monty's entire attitude is different from anyone else I have ever interacted with in my many years of being in an internet club. While most members follow the same path as others as they navigate their way through becoming a part of the club- Monty just ignores the walls completely and walks right through them. His approach is not dispassionate, however, quite the opposite. Monty cares about every person he interacts with, and his outgoing demeanor and easy going persona make him extremely easy to befriend and work with in any given situation.

For all of that, Monty is one of the fiercest competitors I've ever had the honor of serving with. He stands by his principles of following through on promises, and embodies the hard-work-conquers-all mentality I've tried to instill in every young leader I've trained. For Monty, it was the opposite- all he needed was a bit of direction in terms of how the inner workings of an online club worked. He was attentive, and even if I rambled or told him something he already knew, he listened and always thanks for anything I said. This sounds so simple, but you'd be surprised how rare that is to find in a member of this organization.

All of these traits come together to create the total package. The Dark Council recognized this in selecting him as Quaestor of House Plagueis. I am fairly confident that if anyone else had tried to take over that position after the circumstances that had seemingly struck Plag, they would not have been able to do what Monty did. He organized, and set the bar and challenged his unit to rise to it. And they did. That is because Monty doesn't play the games that most leaders in this club play. He is an honest, genuine leader who wears his heart on his sleeve and inspires those around him to do better, and work harder. If his attitude trickles down to the rest of the members of his House, I have no doubt they will be a powerhouse for years to come.

As a member of Arcona, Monty batted 26/27 for a 96% completion rate for the Dark Crusade overall. That would have made him tied for first place overall with only myself. This fear is minor compared to the way that Monty achieved it. For one round, Monty had to go to advanced training for the first week and a half of the Chapter. He got home and in a matter of 2 days completed all of his events. It was things like that that made Monty truly a different type of member, and also a leader. He totaled 5 novae with us, and went on for a brilliant 2 more on Ziost with a perfect 4/4 completion.

It is an honor to help award you your first Sacramental Monty.

Marick Arconae
Consul of Clan Arcona

The end of August was a perilous time for House Plagueis. Stripped of both House leaders and hemorraging members, it seemed to many outside observers as if Plagueis' long journey to prominence had abruptly been cut short. Into the breach charged one of the most energetic and inspiring leaders I have witnessed in my many years in the Brotherhood. Montresor made a difficult and potentially risky move by leaving the relative comfort of Clan Arcona to help resusitate Plagueis. By all objective measures, he has succeeded. In fact, the extraordinary turnaround of the past two-and-a-half months could not have happened without his massive recruiting effort and easy ability to mend interpersonal wounds. It is a honor to work with Monty -- one I hope continues for a very long time.

Dacien Victae
Aedile of House Plagueis

Upon my return to House Plagueis I saw faces new and old, but one of the first to welcome me was Montresor. He was excited to have me and started prepping me on the Crusade. He saw a House in need and thought he could help. Thus far his service has been above and beyond. I haven't known him long, but in the last month he has impressed me with a sense of motivation to not only make Plagueis strong but make it the Best. Monty is the core that guides us all. From his constant emails congratulating members on accomplishments to his engaging IRC and Hangout presence, Monty is the best type of leader because he is a people's leader. He embodies what I consider the most important trait - remembering we are all here for the same purpose: to have fun. Monty rocks. He makes House Plagueis fun and has no intentions to stop.

DA Aabsdu Dupar

Montresor... where to start. Montresor exhibits outstanding natural leadership, something that is hard to come by. He incorporates all of his leadership in the decision making process, utilizing a top down approach that includes everyone in the House. Montresor does a great job of voicing his intent, and assigning the work to those most qualified to make it come to life. He works tirelessly on all fronts, from recruiting to driving activity. Montresor stepped in as Quaestor of House Plagueis in a vital time, only weeks prior to the final round of the year long vendetta. If it weren't for his dynamic leadership style and seemless transition, I don't believe that Plagueis would have experienced the success that we did.

I consider Montresor to be an outstanding leader, an admirable member, and most importantly, a friend. Any honor that is bestowed upon him is one that is hard-fought and most assuredly well deserved.

Krath Archpriest Famosus Aspicio
Rollmaster of House Plagueis

When Monty took over Plagueis he dived right in to the leader he truly is, first he gathered all this leaders and set a standard to what he wanted, then to the house. After that he continued to do everything a leader must do, keeping us updated, pushing us to our limits without annoying the hell out of us, and he believed in us. Monty is striving for us to become the clan we are meant to be. Though I can not say what he did before Plagueis, I know that here he is one of us and continues to prove that with each day.

Battleteam Leader of Ajunta Pall

There are those among us who claim that real life experiences do not apply when dealing with this organization. That all of the hard work and abuses that we spend gaining those lessons are for naught, once a screen and an ethernet cable come between you and your members. I have long said that was folly, lies told by those without the chops to do this sort of thing in the real world. Now, I have another example of why real life experience does matter. I don't throw around the terms 'natural leader' often, but Montresor certainly applies here.

Montresor comes from the military. He's been leading men into the most perilous of situations for years. He's been in scenarios where others have relied on his knowledge, on his strength, putting their very lives in his hands. It's nothing like the brotherhood. There's no compulsion to follow orders. You can't make someone do pushups, you can't courtmartial someone for disobeying. You have to rely on softer skills. People skills: charisma, motivation, inspiring loyalty. Montresor has it in spades, a direct contrast to his namesake. He dove into an untenable scenario. He came in from another clan immediately after the house fell. I'll be honest and say that I expected a miracle. I shouldn't have, but I did. I knew that it could be done, on some base level.

Montresor delivered.

He delivered where many would have made excuses. He reminded people that this was not who they were. He engaged them to be better, to give it their all. I don't care about the pivotal victory on Ziost. It pales in comparison to the real victory here: That Plagueis knows what they can accomplish.

Would that I had the ability to clone him, or at least his skills across the Brotherhood. It'd make my job a hell of a lot easier.

Montresor, please accept this medal, as a token of our esteem along with our thanks. I know that it won't be the last one you earn. Thank you again.

Muz Ashen

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2013-12-05 02:17:41 UTC
Event ID
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

For Nath's exemplary work in the Svolten phase of the Dark Crusade, in which she won a gold nova for her work on the run-on, and two silver novae, one for the poetry event, and another for the graphics. She also had been assisting me in the duties of Battleteam Leader as my XO during the month or so after I got the job. For her contributions to both Dark Forge and House Galeres as a whole, I'm happy to award her with this Dark Cross.

Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2013-12-04 22:48:53 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Nath Voth for this Dark Cross, her hard work and dedication in the Dark Crusade has been outstanding. She has been a help towards the overall score of the Clan and has been an active presence for all of us.

She has been a constant drive inside of Dark Forge not only helping in the Dark Crusade, but outside of it as well. She has taught her student well and is still a constant aid with any of his questions and doubts. Helping support him in his first role as Battleteam Leader, as well as keeping contact with the mailing list as well as on IRC. This makes her a very activated individual inside of Galeres. Keeping herself active during the position of XO of the team. She has been in constant contact with the members of the team helping keeping them motivated and driven in the crusade.

I am proud to be giving Nath this Dark Cross, Congratulations on this Merit Medal and keep up the hard work inside of Arcona and House Galeres.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-04 22:48:47 UTC
Event ID
Rosh Nyine
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
12.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations on or before 2013-12-04

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-04 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
12.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations on or before 2013-12-04

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-04 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Inarya Tiberius Entar
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
12.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations on or before 2013-12-04

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-04 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
13.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations on or before 2013-12-04

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-04 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
12.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Operations on or before 2013-12-04

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc, 2013-12-04 23:30:09 UTC