Event History

Displaying events 122421 - 122430 of 182661 in total
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Warzone Activity on or before 2013-12-01

Valhavoc, 2013-12-01 23:30:07 UTC
Event ID
Shadow Zebina
Grand Cross
Requested by
Liam Torun-Urr
Primary reason

Ji is what one might call an icon of his House. Aside from being its initial Founder, alongside several other visionaries, he has been a stalwart soldier and a true believer in its cause. He is the type of member who stays, stubbornly, doggedly, defending what he believes in. Perhaps his best attribute, though, is humility; he bends when he needs to, and though he may be fiery and even harsh against opposition, he does it out of genuine love for Odan-Urr.

Ji fought hard for us in this Dark Crusade; I saw, at its beginning, a veteran of the House on the last legs of his hope. What he became throughout its course was an active, capable member. He became a visible presence on our Googlegroup, on IRC, and throughout our various forms of media. He rallied us together, not just calling on people to act but actually putting in on his own. All told, he not only netted us three entries more on the participation totals, but managed to score both a Gold and a Bronze Nova in the Advertising and Crusadeology events.

Beside his achievements in the Crusade, one only has to glance at Ji's DJB history to see the depths of his commitments. On top of his Novae, he has earned four Pendants of Blood in the last month alone, as well as a Dark Cross for participating in the Grand Master's "Ask the GM" report portion. He has netted himself 67 Clusters of Fire since his last Anteian Cross, which was awarded for heavy work on HOU's military. Continuing on his DJB History page, one sees a reliable string of awards and accolades - not always huge, or earth-shattering, but steadfast and consistent. He is here, he is active, and for months and years he has been one of Odan-Urr's only constant faces.

As a member, a leader, and a friend, Odan-Urr is lucky to have a person like Ji. He can be rough, rowdy, and quick-tempered, as so many of us can be; he does not let that stop him from being the best that he can be. Such activity requires a higher form of reward.

I recommend the Grand Cross of the Dark Side for Ji's efforts, and his continuing presence. Well deserved, my friend.

Liam Torun-Urr, 2013-12-01 18:26:48 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Steel Cross
Requested by
Liam Torun-Urr
Primary reason

Nathan has stepped up for Odan-Urr; not only has he submitted two entries to the Crusade, he has managed to submit them on the Special Forces team. This means that he has not simply been content to fight among the masses - he chose to take on bigger events, harder competition, and higher stakes in the name of our House. In doing so, he managed a Bronze Nova, no small feat. For these efforts, and the bravery and dedication they require, he deserves to be rewarded.

If further reasoning is needed, I would point out that his last such award was over a year ago. I would point to his five Clusters of Ice, nine Crescents, and time in the position of Rollmaster for Odan-Urr. Nathan is a member who is, and has consistently been, active and dedicated; he is an exemplar, one who can participate in every aspect of this club, who can travel from the Light to the Darkness and actually, tangibly aid both in their successes.

This is activity a cut above the ordinary, taking place over extreme amounts of time and seen to without the slightest request for recognition. This is devotion and loyalty, and for it, I recommend he be awarded the Steel Cross for his efforts. Well done, Nathan; you are an inspiration to us all.

Liam Torun-Urr, 2013-12-01 18:26:45 UTC
Event ID
Lord Halcyon
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

There probably aren't enough ways to describe just how valuable Dark Prophet Halcyon Rokir Taldrya is to the day to day operation of Taldryan. When it comes to being able to give advice, and talk about various activities within the Dark Brotherhood, having a guy who has basically been and done everything means you have someone who you can approach and ask about anything, and know he has an answer. Halcyon's value as an advisor during the Dark Crusades has been immeasurable, and we would not have been able to reach the heights we have without him.

His ability to be an advisor to Taldryan however is but one of the smallest contributions he gave to Taldryan in the Dark Crusades. Despite the fact that during the length and breadth of this vendetta, Halcyon has purchased a house and gotten married is staggering, when you consider that he participated in nine tenths of every event offered, and managed to at the very least place in a quarter of those he entered is staggering when one considers how precious his time in real life must have been.

For these reasons, and many more, I am awarding Halcyon Rokir Taldrya, a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-01 13:01:32 UTC
Additional reasons

Halcyon is by far one of the most important members of Taldryan. His participation ratio almost flawless, having participated in almost ninty percent while placing in a fifth of every events from the Dark Crusade. Along his vendetta participation comes his uncompared capability as advisor. Halcyon has served the Taldryan Summit with countless decisions that had a deep impact on the direction Taldryan headed for.

For what you are standing for in Taldryan, I am hereby requesting you to be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 23:40:37 UTC
Event ID
Talon Drear
Steel Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Talon Drear is one of the most beloved figures in all of Taldryan, because quite simply, Tally embodies everything that it means to be in Taldryan. It's a quiet resolve about him that doesn't leak out except to those who know him best. When Tally is able to, he gives everything for Taldryan, nothing holds him back from helping his unit. During the Dark Crusades, Tally's had a hell of a ride in real life as well, and even if he wasn't able to actually participate in a round, he was telling his leadership why, and he was still helping encourage the rest of the unit onward. He's quite simply one of Taldryan's best. Having participated in half of all the events in the competition, and for placing in a fifth of those he entered, I am happy to award Talon Drear this Steel Cross.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-01 13:02:33 UTC
Additional reasons

What can I say about Talon Drear. From my own experience, there is close to no one dedicated and loyal to Taldryan as Talon outside the Taldryan Elder circle. Whenever he can, he will give everything he can for his House without any selfish thought behind it. And even when he doesn't have a chance to follow his Brothers and Sisters into battle, he still sticks around and pushes the others to stay hot on the Ball through IRC and e-mail. For having participated in fifty percent of all available events, I am proud to request Talon Drear to be awarded a Steel Cross.

Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 22:01:06 UTC
Event ID
Dox Romanae Tarentae
Crescent with Topaz Star
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Champion of Tau - November
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the Champion of Tau - November competition.

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2013-12-01 16:36:59 UTC
Event ID
Ayden Dane
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Champion of Tau - November
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Champion of Tau - November competition.

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2013-12-01 16:36:59 UTC
Event ID
Orion Aries Rial
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Champion of Tau - November
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Champion of Tau - November competition.

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2013-12-01 16:36:58 UTC
Event ID
Krath Adherent Aeson Rhys
Dark Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

For his efforts in the Dark Crusades, participating in a fifth of the total events in the Dark Crusades, and being a constant and reliable member of Taldryan, I am hereby awarding Aeson Rhys a Dark Cross.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-01 13:02:08 UTC
Additional reasons

Aeson Rhys, for the continued dedication to your House in its fight during the Dark Crusade, as shown by the number of events you have participated in, I am requesting you to be rewarded with a Dark Cross.

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 19:06:05 UTC

Aeson Rhys, for the continued dedication you have shown to Taldryan in its fight during the Dark Crusade, as shown by the number of events you have participated in, I am requesting you to be rewarded with a Dark Cross.

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 19:06:55 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Catmatui has been a wonderful example of what Taldryan hopes for from its Journeymen. Despite joining us later in the Crusade, she has been an example of someone that the Summit can count on for participation and activity. Having participated in a third of all the events she could have, Cat has also managed to earn her first Nova in the final round, a Gold Nova for the Advertising event.

Cat is a member who the Summit expects great things from, and I'm extremely proud to be awarding her a Steel Cross for her efforts on behalf of Taldryan.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-01 13:01:39 UTC
Additional reasons

Having joined us during the first Phase of the Crusade after being recruited by her Master Raistline Majere, Catmatui has been a true asset for the House. Her participation is exemplary. Though having only participated in a third of all events available to her, such dedication is something not seen often from a Journeymen who has joined so recently and thus should be rewarded appropriately. Catmatui, for the continued excellence during the Dark Crusade and what you will do in the future, I am hereby requesting you to be awarded a Steel Cross.

Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 23:00:37 UTC