Event History

Displaying events 124651 - 124660 of 182838 in total
Event ID
Mayda Ferium
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Adept Xantros
Primary reason

Mayda has done impressive work since she joined our House. She displays great activity in various fields, ranging from competition participation through communication to competition organisation. Mayda is available on IRC on everyday basis and we have a good, steady contact with her via e-mail. She started the thread with jokes on Scholae Palatinae Googlegroup without the need to ask her to do this.

She actively helps her Students, Moloch Argantes and Icy Acari to rise through the ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and to understand the ways, which the club works in. It includes setting a Run-On for herself, her Students and Master / Student pairs from other units, who are interested in participation in it.

In addition to this, she is currently hosting two short competitions, which are aimed to promote activity among members of our House. Her competition ideas are nice and help the Journeymen quite easily fulfill the promotion requirements for higher ranks.

Finally, Mayda has done great work with proofreading my submissions to the Dark Crusade, especially in last Phase. I appreciate her help very much, as her notes provide deep insight into what mistakes I make in stories. Her advice really helps me in improving my pieces of writing, especially in the technical aspects.

What can I say to express my gratitude for Mayda? She is an excellent member of our House. She is a pillar of our House. Without her, Scholae Palatinae would be much different unit. Much worse. She has brought in her passion and zeal; her knowledge and skills; her patience and kindness. If all members of our House were like Mayda, we would simply be the best unit in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood ever.

Thank you, Mayda, and accept this Anteian Cross as a small token of our appreciation for all you do for our House.

Respectfully, KP Xantros HSP Aedile

Adept Xantros, 2013-08-04 19:02:43 UTC
Additional reasons

Mayda has been a stellar member over the last several months. Not only has she herself been active in many aspects including the Crusade, but she has pushed her students to be so as well. She cares about the house and the people in it. Her skills as a proof reader helped many of us this last round of the crusade, and since it has ended, she has been looking at several ways to continue keeping people active while we await the next round of the crusade. This includes running two different competitions and working on setting up a master/student runon for various pairings in the entire DB to participate in.

For being a stellar member And helping out in so many ways around the house, she has earned this Anteian Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-08-04 18:52:01 UTC
Event ID
Legorii Arconae
Dark Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Upon my request for an additional pair of hands in order to execute an overdue project for the VOICE office, Legorii stepped up, providing me with the information I requested, compiling a number of spreadsheets and data within a matter of hours. His help was imperative to ensuring that this information was accurate, to ensuring that it was collated quickly, and to ensuring that members were rewarded in an appropriate time frame.

For his help and service as a result of my request, I hereby nominate Legorii Kryotek Entar to be awarded with a Dark Cross.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-08-04 18:55:10 UTC
Event ID
Eminent Ikarri Itinen
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

S'nar has been a huge boon to Arcona in the few months he's been with us. Whether it's stepping in as an interim leader or leading from the trenches, S'nar has taken his lumps, stepping up without any want for reward to provide for his unit and ensure that Arcona stays in the best possible place. I know that Cethgus has a lot to say in support of S'nar, so let me suffice it to say that without him, Arcona would be in a much worse place. For his hard work, his consistent dedication and his unfaltering loyalty, I'm proud to support this recommendation.

Well done, S'nar. You've earned it.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-08-04 17:17:45 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending S’nar for this Steel Cross. He has been a constant beacon of activity inside of Clan Arcona and House Galeres helping us to achieve domination on Bhargebba.

In this round of Dark Crusade he has managed to participate in the following: Chronicle I, High Value Target, The Plans, Gaming (Silver Novae), One Ending One Beginning (Gold Nova), The Pursuit of Knowledge. During this time he has managed to achieve a Gold Nova for the wiki work as well as pulling out all of the stops and managed to compete in gaming taking a Silver Nova there. On top of this, he has been participating in the House wide event known as Homecoming, completing the following competitions: [Homecoming] The Death Walkers.

Now let’s talk about what S’nar has been doing outside of the Dark Crusade. He has been an active part of Galeres, inspiring other members to participate not only in the Dark Crusade but also in Homecoming. He volunteered to run two competitions without needing to be asked, and he managed to get these competitions up and running efficiently and quickly, helping towards getting overall activity up in Galeres. He also saw that the fiction was released on time by writing his own section, developing the plot for members to get involved in.

Though S’nar has continued to excel in the Clan, taking on his first ever student and driving him to work on his strengths, seeing him rise through the ranks quickly and efficiently. He has also been working hard on expanding his team making sure that they are always active and helping them with any issues that come up. He has recently stepped up once more to the plate writing up numerous recommendations for his members stepping above and beyond the expected duty of a XO. He continues to surprise us with his hard work and enthusiasm to this club each day and is a friendly and interactive part of the Clan.

For all of his hard work recently, I am proud to be giving S’nar this merit medal. Congratulations buddy on getting this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Keep up the hard work in the future. I look forward to seeing what you do next for us.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-08-04 17:17:33 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Trouty has been a cornerstone of Arcona's success in recent months. His continued devotion to the unit - and, indeed, the club in general - has facilitated a significant amount of activity stemming from the membership's admiration of his abilities.

I can honestly say that Trouty has been one of the most profitable acquisitions for Arcona, and he is truly loved by his clanmates. I feel that he deserves recognition for this kind of activity by way of an award.

I'll let my peers talk about his numerous feats of amazement; suffice it to say that to me, Trouty is a hero, a saint, a role model and a man who deserves the utmost respect.

Congratulations, Trouty. We love you.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-08-04 17:13:43 UTC
Additional reasons

Trouty has nothing to prove to anyone. A DJM's rank speaks for itself, but Trouty still shows up everyday for work; he is dedicated, committed, and a loyal member of the Clan. He is always offering words of fishy wisdom, and always willing to help out with anything if asked. He provides a positive roll-model of how Elders in this club should conduct themselves, and what members should strive to be. Having him around just makes me feel more comfortable as not just a leader, but someone who is part of this club. His sense of humor helps keep us light when things can get a bit dark. I know that Medals at this point his career don't mean much, so instead I'll just say something simply: Thank you Trouty. Thank you for being awesome, Arcona is a better place with you in it :).

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-08-04 17:12:27 UTC

I am honoured to be recommending Troutrooper for this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. He has been an all round heavy hitter inside of Clan Arcona and House Galeres. He helped Arcona with their overall participation score this round and ending up dominating on Bhargebba. During this round of Dark Crusade he has participated in the following competitions: Chronicle 1, High Value Targets, The Battle for Bhargebba, The Plans, One Ending, One Beginning (Gold Nova) , The Pursuit of Knowledge. He managed to take a Bronze Nova in High Value Targets as well as achieving a Gold Nova for the work he managed to accomplish in the wiki area. This helped Arcona gain an extra slot in the Special Forces Team. On top of all of this he has managed to to enter the following House Wide event competitions: [Homecoming] Graphics, [Homecoming] Codebreaker, [Homecoming] The Death Walkers, [Homecoming] Caption Competition, [Homecoming] Run-On. For all of these events he continues to get involved in the heavy workload of day to day activity inside of the House. Overall he has managed to participate in an impressive eleven competitions as well as placing in multiple events. Congratulations on this medal, Troutrooper, and I hope that you continue your hard work in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-08-04 17:12:52 UTC

I’m thrilled to have this chance to give Trouty some of the accolades he deserves. Trouty is not only a cornerstone contributor to Arcona’s writing ability, but also an inspiration to everyone in his Clan and the club. He lets his actions speak for him, always competing, replying to emails, and putting excellent effort into all his pieces. He constantly encourages members to strive for their goals and to be proud of what they earn with their actions. For me, personally,Trouty is a paragon, and I aspire to be the writer and asset to Arcona that he is. Congratulations on the Grand Cross, Fishy. It’s one of many medals, but it’s well-merited. Atyiru Araave Acting Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2013-08-04 17:13:16 UTC
Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Honestly, I can't comment enough on how much of an asset Atyiru has been to Clan Arcona since her joining. I know that Arcona has flourished with her creative presence and her consistent dedication to the Clan's welfare.

Moreover, in the recent Svolten Special Forces team, Atty raked in an astonishing 2 Bronze, 1 Silver, and 2 Gold Novae. This is a remarkable feat. Especially from someone who joined the Brotherhood in February. I know Cethgus has a lot to say about her efforts over the previous chapters and regarding her leadership ability, so suffice it to say that I wholeheartedly appreciate and respect everything this woman has done for the Clan, and I can only hope she continues down the path to becoming one of the Brotherhood's greatest leaders.

Congratulations, Abbey. You've earned it.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-08-04 16:57:02 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Atyiru for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Her hard work inside of this round of the Dark Crusade saw Clan Arcona and House Galeres achieve dominance on Bhargebba. She has also been a key role inside of House Galeres, assisting leadership inside of the unit.

Hitting the Dark Crusades events first, she has managed to participate in the following events: Chronicle I (Bronze Nova) , High Value Targets, The Plans, Gaming, One Ending One Beginning (Gold Nova), The Pursuit of Knowledge. In these competitions she managed to achieve Bronze Novae in the Chronicle I as well as a Gold Novae for her Wiki contribution. She has also been active and participating in the House wide event which has been running. participating in the following competitions: [Homecoming] The Death Walker, [Homecoming] Graphics, [Homecoming] Caption Competition, [Homecoming] Poetry. She came joint 2nd overall for the Homecoming event in Galeres, alongside doing a buttload of work within the House.

Now time to talk a little bit about what she has been doing inside of House Galeres. Atyiru has been involved in helping with running the last part of Homecoming, releasing two competitions out as well as proofreading the fictional document. She has been an integral part of keeping Dark Forge active, promoting the competitions inside of her team and getting members to participate. Atyiru always volunteers for helping in any way possible. This has recently been in the form of proofing fictional work for the House events and Run-On prompts, reading well over ten thousand words; and doing this quickly and efficiently, helping the upper summit release the competitions on time.

Atyiru has also taken on the mantle of being an Interim Battleteam Leader since the position of Battleteam Leader was left open. She has continued to keep up a constant level of activity from her members and sorted any issue that has come up with them almost instantly. Stepping up to the task when its required and writing recommendation when it is required though its not expected of her. She completed them quickly and efficiently without complaining and to a high standard. Atyiru never stops impressing myself she continues to take the initiative and going above and beyond the call of duty that is expected of her.

I am proud to be recommending Atyiru for this medal. Her hard work and devotion to this club is outstanding. Congratulations on this medal Atyiru, keep up the hard work and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-08-04 16:56:25 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

During his 19 months as a member of the Fist Staff Tiamath consistently ran competitions for members of the Brotherhood to participate in. His Jedi Knight Ladder and Retro Gaming competitions were a nearly monthly occurence. Beyond the competitions Tiamath also was active in the DJB TOR Guild and submitted requests for Clusters of Fire for members throughout his tenure.

Thank you for your contributions to the Club's Gaming Tiamath! Congratulations!

Valhavoc Fist of the Brotherhood

Valhavoc, 2013-08-04 01:46:36 UTC
Event ID
Kelvis Xavier
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

As I'm writing this Kelvis has served on the Fist Staff for over 20 months. He's played a critical part in the DJB TOR Guild throughout that entire time period. Kelvis has served as an Officer, a Raid Leader, and one of the "tanks" that have been critical in the success of the TOR Guild since its inception. He is always willing to help newer Guild members and offer advice on the development, gearing, and gameplay for their characters. As a Magistrate Kelvis also has played a key role in requesting the Clusters of Fire for the raids he has led, ensuring that those members who are clearing the cutting edge of end game content receive their due awards.

I'm proud to recommend the Grand Cross of the Dark Side be awarded to Kelvis, his tenure on the Fist Staff has been remarkable. Unfortunately real life situations arise for us all, from time to time, and we're forced to take a step back from the DJB. I hope that when time permits Kelvis finds his way back to us on the Gaming Staff, he's been a valuable contributor from the start. Best of luck to you Kelvis! Hope to see you around in TOR!

Valhavoc Fist of the Brotherhood

Valhavoc, 2013-08-04 01:24:19 UTC
Event ID
Altheseus Levathan
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For placing 2nd in #tarentum IRC trivia on 3 August 2013.

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-08-03 21:44:50 UTC
4 Aug, 2013
A deleted dossier was awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
TarDoKu 4
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the TarDoKu 4 competition.

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-08-03 20:00:58 UTC