Event History

Displaying events 125521 - 125530 of 182938 in total
Event ID
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae
Crescent with Topaz Star
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
I wanna talk about MEME!
Requested by
Seren Dipity Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For achieving second place in the I wanna talk about MEME! competition.

Seren Dipity Puer-Irae, 2013-06-23 14:07:24 UTC
Event ID
Altheseus Levathan
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
I wanna talk about MEME!
Requested by
Seren Dipity Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For achieving third place in the I wanna talk about MEME! competition.

Seren Dipity Puer-Irae, 2013-06-23 14:07:25 UTC
Event ID
Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Tarax, you have been a real asset for Taldryan in the during the Events of the Dark Crusade, not only that you have participated in a total of 14 events you have freely helped out Sid and myself, keeping track of member activities as well as gathering/trans-scripting the official Crusade website into a plain text version and reminding the people in Taldryan to stay on the ball. For this kind of dedication to House Taldryan I am requesting that you should be rewarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratz Tarax.

Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar

Quaestor of House Taldryan


When it comes to legendary figures in the Dark Brotherhood, Tarax is surely on the list of the most notable. His dedication to Taldryan has been unwavering, despite recently undergoing a move and getting a new job. Despite all that, he still puts forth ample effort in order to ensure that Taldryan competes in the Dark Crusades at the highest levels.

Acting as an advisor to the Taldryan Leadership, and taking an active role in ensuring that the members of Taldryan are constantly kept on their toes and challenged is just one part of Tarax’s character. He is also one of the first to encourage, and try to motivate members to participate in more events, while carrying a near perfect record of participation himself.

An active member on IRC, and on mailing lists, Tarax’s influence has been essential in the resurgence of Taldryan’s activity, and was crucial in it’s early round victory.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

I’ve gotten rusty at this so I’m going to keep this short. Tarax's efforts for Taldryan have been crucial in the first parts of the Crusade. He has consistently given Taldryan his all by participating in as many of the Crusades as he could manage, giving near perfect participation levels. Not only has he been one of our most dedicated and prolific members, he has also been one of our most helpful. Tarax has encouraged many members to compete on Taldryan's behalf. He has also helped many members by acting as an editor for them. He was a crucial piece in the RO event. Not only did he help push our teammates to be their best, he was also an anchor on that team. He stepped up and got the ball rolling for our group and was always willing to step up and do the important things when it counted. Despite his usual demeanor, Tarax has been amazingly helpful to the House during this juncture. Despite the fact that this gives me an odd sense of déjà vu, I'm happy to recommend Tarax Eosphoros Kor for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

OE Chaosrain Taldrya

Original Bryar Pimp

Dossier #3931

Tarax is the worst. He is human tennis elbow, he is a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth, and he is the the opposite of Batman. Yet for all his faults, he continues to churn out activity for House Taldryan. He has participated in damn near every event of the Dark Crusade, and was a driving force in our second round run on participation. Tarax has been vocal on IRC and has participated in many house level and Brotherhood-wide leadership discussions, and continues to serve on the Appeals Panel. Throughout all this - he always advocates for what is right - often in the face of others that would choose to do the easy or expedient thing. For his dedication to seeing Taldryan succeed - I strongly recommend Tarax “I’m seriously an asshole” Kor for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.


Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 10:14:19 UTC
Event ID
Jac Cotelin
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Jac, you are by far one of the most awesome persons I have met so far in the DB, your willingness and dedication to Taldryan is incomparable out of 17 events you did 16 while actively supporting the Taldryan Summit, trans-scripting the Crusade website from an image-based to a plain text version and sending it to the House along various tool tips and hints on how to best participate in the events. For this kind of dedication there can be only one reward and this I am most happily requesting for you: A Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you Jac! Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


There’s only one Cotelin, there’s only one Cotelin!.. For those of you who don’t get that reference, watch more English Premier League. For the rest of you, it’s quite simple. There is nobody in the Dark Brotherhood who has shown the extended dedication, drive, and desire for excellence than Jac Ae-Sequira Cotelin Taldrya-Cantor.

Let’s ignore the fact that Jac works in a stressful job that requires him to work nearly fourteen hour days. Let’s skip over the fact that he’s the proud father of two newborn girls, and let’s ignore that he did five of the six events in Phase 3 of Chapter 1 from a hospital. He’s still, without a doubt, one of the single most active members that Taldryan has. More than that, he’s also by far one of the most skilled. When Jac puts his mind to excellence, he achieves it, and his record in recent competitions simply stands that fact on its head, and demands it be recognized.

Jac Cotelin puts more effort, and love, and devotion into the Dark Brotherhood in a day than the average member does in a year, and he does it for no reason other than loyalty. He’s a Grand Master. He has two Golden Lightsabers, and a litany of every award, title, and honour that the Dark Brotherhood can offer him. Jac works hard not for recognition, but for the betterment of his unit, and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.

But I would like to recommend that we recognize his efforts and contributions anyways, with the awarding of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Dossier #83

Jac, what can I say? You do everything possible for Taldryan, and I'm jealous of your excellence. I mean, everyone is jealous of your excellence, but only a few have to live with the honor and pressure of being a Taldrya alongside you; and as much as that sounds like a complaint, I wouldn't want it any other way. Just seeing what you do and how you do it has been amazing; it's a lesson in exactly what I strive to be.

How you've only missed one event with the way your life is unfolding is mind boggling; and yet that is selling your contributions short. You've explained the events to help those new to Vendettas and to those with limited time. You've inspired the House more than once with your amazing speeches. You're doing everything I wanted to do when I was Consul; and you're just in OFH with the rest of us. Hell, during this last phase no one was sure you would be able to do as much as you did with the birth of children drawing near(Congratulations are also in order for their happy arrival!), but when everything came in you had done all but one thing; and the only reason that one thing didn’t come in was because you literally couldn’t have done it. If this were a story of some kind, no one would believe it. No one should be able to continually top themselves like you do, and yet when you do it no one is surprised. I find that amazing and yet I've watched you do it for over nine years now.

If I'm honest, I think this recommendation might mean more to me than you; I think it's the first time I've been able to help you get an award, and that makes me extremely happy. Yacks is our will, but you're our heart. I just want to thank for being able to draw me back in when I feel like I can't do it anymore; I truly appreciate it. For that, more than anything, I am honored to give you this recommendation for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

OE Chaosrain Taldrya Original Bryar Pimp

Dossier #3931

It’s Jac, bitches.

- Tarax

Jac has been Grand Master twice. He has two Golden Lightsabers. He could never do a damn thing ever again for Taldryan or the Dark Brotherhood and still be revered as quite literally the best member the club has ever had (and very likely ever will have). He could be (and for the sake of sanity should be) content with being the finest example of roster candy. That is not who is he - so the crazy man soldiers on. Jac was a monster of participation (And placing) in the Dark Crusade - as well as seemingly placing in damn near everything. Jac’s constant assistance to Taldryan’s summit through the crusade in the form of advice and planning surely contributed to the house’s success.
With all that in mind, I strongly recommend ole Jaccy for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Yay Jac!


Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 08:58:12 UTC
Event ID
Howlader Taldrya
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Pandala D. Howlader, for your most awesome work during the first Phase of the Crusade I am hereby requesting you to be awarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. You have pushed yourself beyond what dedication to your House should look like, participating in a total of 17 out of 17 events in three months of the Crusade as well as helping Sid and myself at keeping track of members activity. Thank you Howie. Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


What can somebody say about the Panda? I could say a lot, and almost none of it would be flattering. But what I will say instead, is the extreme value of Howlader to Taldryan. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Howlader has been by far one of the most outstanding members Taldryan has had in the past few years. Despite having no long history within the House, Howie has taken to Tal like a duck to water, and in his weaker moments even he will admit just how deeply he cares for Taldryan, and how much he wishes it to succeed.

His depth of feeling has been more than backed up by actions though. Participating in every event that has been offered in the Crusade, Howlader’s position as one of the most active members in the Dark Brotherhood is completely cemented. His constant advice, mentoring, and activity on IRC has made Howlader one of the most approachable, and accessible members and Taldryan, and he has worked hard to include younger members of the Dark Brotherhood into conversations and encouraged them to be active in many ways throughout the DB, beyond even the Dark Crusades.

More recently, Howlader has further upped the ante by attempting to help one of Taldryan’s young journeymen through the trials toward earning Dark Jedi Knight, and has recently begun work on a project that will help streamline and encourage more activity and hopefully, promotions, of Taldryan’s newest members.

All of this is of course done, knowing that he has nearly nothing to gain from his activity, but a deep seeded love for the Dark Brotherhood, and Taldryan. It’s with that knowledge in mind, that I would like to recommend Dark Jedi Master Howlader be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, to let him know that all of his tremendous hard work is appreciated.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

What can be said about Howie that wasn’t said about Panda poachers the years over? The insane little man went max for every single event during the Crusades. He screamed his way out of a disqualification which was based on poor judgement, all the while encouraging (or pestering?) all of the new kids to do as much as they possibly can for his adopted home.

I say adopted home because Howie doesn’t usually hail from Taldryan, yet upon his return to activity in the DB he most definitely fit with its mindset and culture of perseverance, excellence, and a strong dislike of idiocy. With those values as the driving force, Howie has gone above and beyond what is expected of an old, inactive, useless OFHer, and done more activities in the Crusades than most leaders from other units. I would say he deserves a promotion to Dark Prophet, but that seems like a long shot; give him a Grand Cross instead!

- Tarax

What can I say about Howie to make the intro to the recommendation near identical to the last two? To say that Howlader is one of, if not, the top performer for Taldryan during the Crusade is a little shocking. To say that someone I didn't know, but for brief mentions and glimpses during my initial time in the Brotherhood, is out performing all of Taldryan's old veterans is quite shocking; and that would be putting it mildly. The fact that Howlader didn't fight for Taldryan's creation or grow from it like many of us have is no secret, and yet he is fighting harder for the House now, when it needs it most, than most of us have managed. This is a fact that makes me extremely proud to be a member of Taldryan, and extremely happy to have someone fight so hard for something I love so much.

I haven't even mentioned the facts that he has had a perfect level of participation, has helped members edit their entries, has encouraged everyone he can to fight for Taldryan's cause, and he has advised our leaders on important issues. The only bad thing I have to say about Howie is that I met him so much later than so many others did. With great appreciation I hereby recommend Howlader for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you for everything you've done for Taldryan. OE Chaosrain Taldrya Original Bryar Pimp Dossier #3931

Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor (#3239)

Pandala D. Howlader, for your most awesome work during the first Phase of the Crusade I am hereby requesting you to be awarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. You have pushed yourself beyond what dedication to your House should look like, participating in a total of 17 out of 17 events in three months of the Crusade as well as helping Sid and myself at keeping track of members activity. Thank you Howie. Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


What can somebody say about the Panda? I could say a lot, and almost none of it would be flattering. But what I will say instead, is the extreme value of Howlader to Taldryan. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Howlader has been by far one of the most outstanding members Taldryan has had in the past few years. Despite having no long history within the House, Howie has taken to Tal like a duck to water, and in his weaker moments even he will admit just how deeply he cares for Taldryan, and how much he wishes it to succeed.

His depth of feeling has been more than backed up by actions though. Participating in every event that has been offered in the Crusade, Howlader’s position as one of the most active members in the Dark Brotherhood is completely cemented. His constant advice, mentoring, and activity on IRC has made Howlader one of the most approachable, and accessible members and Taldryan, and he has worked hard to include younger members of the Dark Brotherhood into conversations and encouraged them to be active in many ways throughout the DB, beyond even the Dark Crusades.

More recently, Howlader has further upped the ante by attempting to help one of Taldryan’s young journeymen through the trials toward earning Dark Jedi Knight, and has recently begun work on a project that will help streamline and encourage more activity and hopefully, promotions, of Taldryan’s newest members.

All of this is of course done, knowing that he has nearly nothing to gain from his activity, but a deep seeded love for the Dark Brotherhood, and Taldryan. It’s with that knowledge in mind, that I would like to recommend Dark Jedi Master Howlader be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, to let him know that all of his tremendous hard work is appreciated.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

What can be said about Howie that wasn’t said about Panda poachers the years over? The insane little man went max for every single event during the Crusades. He screamed his way out of a disqualification which was based on poor judgement, all the while encouraging (or pestering?) all of the new kids to do as much as they possibly can for his adopted home.

I say adopted home because Howie doesn’t usually hail from Taldryan, yet upon his return to activity in the DB he most definitely fit with its mindset and culture of perseverance, excellence, and a strong dislike of idiocy. With those values as the driving force, Howie has gone above and beyond what is expected of an old, inactive, useless OFHer, and done more activities in the Crusades than most leaders from other units. I would say he deserves a promotion to Dark Prophet, but that seems like a long shot; give him a Grand Cross instead!

- Tarax

What can I say about Howie to make the intro to the recommendation near identical to the last two? To say that Howlader is one of, if not, the top performer for Taldryan during the Crusade is a little shocking. To say that someone I didn't know, but for brief mentions and glimpses during my initial time in the Brotherhood, is out performing all of Taldryan's old veterans is quite shocking; and that would be putting it mildly. The fact that Howlader didn't fight for Taldryan's creation or grow from it like many of us have is no secret, and yet he is fighting harder for the House now, when it needs it most, than most of us have managed. This is a fact that makes me extremely proud to be a member of Taldryan, and extremely happy to have someone fight so hard for something I love so much.

I haven't even mentioned the facts that he has had a perfect level of participation, has helped members edit their entries, has encouraged everyone he can to fight for Taldryan's cause, and he has advised our leaders on important issues. The only bad thing I have to say about Howie is that I met him so much later than so many others did. With great appreciation I hereby recommend Howlader for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you for everything you've done for Taldryan. OE Chaosrain Taldrya Original Bryar Pimp Dossier #3931

Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 08:58:12 UTC
Event ID
Talon Drear
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Talon is by far one of the most active members Taldryan has to offer, and was a key player in our victory in the first round of the Dark Crusade.. He managed to snag himself 9 Seals of Reminiscence for his participation in the tenth Independence Games (with 5 placings) - he also participated in 7 Events of the Dark Crusade, receiving a Bronze Nova for placing second in the Krayiss II Run-On Event. Additionally Talon has passed a dozen of Shadow Academy courses which granted him the Maven of Flight, and continues to speak his mind freely with ideas to increase activity within the house after taking his first Apprentice. For being an extremely awesome asset to Taldryan, I request that Talon Drear be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


Talon Drear has been my master for only a short time - but I am proud to have him at my side, aiding me along the Taldryan Summit. Talon’s being a really good master. Keeping me in track and harassing me when I need harassing. Guardian Nero Inferni

Member of House Taldryan

During the course of the Dark Crusade’s first Phase, Talon Drear has shown exemplary team work and extraordinary effort for his House Taldryan. This member takes his time spent in this club seriously, managing a total of 7 completed event submissions through the first 3 months of the Crusade, snagging 9 Seals for his strong participation in the Independence Games. In that time he has earned a Bronze Nova and 5 Crescents, ranging from Amethyst to Sapphire stars.

Talon’s inspiration was a driving force in Taldryan during the first two months of the Crusade, being one of the most outspoken members in Taldryan during that time. Leading off his Run-On team in Chapter 1 of the Crusade, he was on IRC daily and has been highly active over the mailing list the entire time. His efforts as a member of Taldryan and the Brotherhood warranted his promotion to Equite 1 recently, and is no surprise that he is up for a big Merit Award.

This member is deserving of much high praise, and many Tally’s have made their wishes known to see this member awarded with the best. Talon has been working closely with his Apprentice, Nero, in making sure he reaches the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and has done a magnificent job at seeing him through the Journeymen ranks.

For a great ethic, high activity and awesome presence, I hereby add my recommendation for Templar Talon Drear to be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Well done, my friend!

- Aedile of House Taldryan, Exarch Shaz’air Taldrya

Talon Drear is one of the finest examples of a member that a House could ask for. Since the beginning of the Dark Crusades, Tally has been an active participant in well over half of the available events. His activity in the recent Independance Games was also stellar, participating in 9 events. Throughout the whole time since this series of competitions has begun, Tally has been an active and outspoken member on IRC, and over the mailing lists, encouraging other members to step up, and be more active for the betterment of Taldryan. His leadership and fervor was instrumental in forming, planning, and executing a Runon in Phase Two that placed in the top five.

Despite the heavy workload that has been put upon us all, Talon has also stepped up to begin mentoring Nero Inferni, one of Taldryan’s up and coming members, as well as completed quite a few Shadow Academy courses, and has also stepped up in offering suggestions to the Taldryan leadership in the hopes of helping Taldryan further.

For this, and so much more, I recommend that Talon Drear receive a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

Tally has been a great force in Taldryan’s ranks in these last few months, he has taken on Nero as his apprentice, and has successfully pestered of him to get to Guardian (and I believe Nero has only a task or two left to hit Jedi Hunter). Moreover, he has been a solid participant in the Dark Crusades and the Independence Games, and will continue to do so in the future. All this, from a guy that refused promotions for years - because he wanted to be one of the guys at Dark Jedi Knight. Talon Drear, like many of Taldryan’s finest does things for the betterment of his unit (and his friends). Someone once crafted Taldryan’s motto: A Brotherhood within a Brotherhood - and Tally’s intent (and his equally important actions) throughout the last few months show us that this spirit still exists. I strongly recommend Talon Drear be awarded the Grand Cross of the Dark Side to recognize his consistent efforts to further House Taldryan.


Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 08:58:12 UTC
Event ID
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor for your most awesome work during the first Phase of the Dark Crusade I am hereby requesting you to be awarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. You have pushed yourself beyond what dedication to your House should look like, participating in every event of the Crusade in the last three rounds as well as being a great asset to Sid and myself at keeping track of member activities and sending out e-mails to the rest of the House reminding them to give all their best they can. Thank you Yacks. Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


When I came back from my hiatus, I was met with two interesting characters in Taldryan: Howie and Yacks. This isn’t about Howie, so let’s move on. Yacks and I clicked immediately, so I knew he deserved a Grand Cross. However, it helped that he has been one of, if not the main, driving force behind Taldryan’s recent successes and accomplishments on the DB stage. He initiated and completed most of the revamped Taldryan Military Wiki articles, corrected an erroneous DC-made fleet points sheet, stood up for wrongfully punished members, encouraged new blood to become a part of Taldryan culture, along with the OFH promoted and pushed all of Taldryan beyond the finish line in all chapters of the first phase of the Crusades, and still continues to drive every aspect of the House towards a standard of excellence with such passion some might mistake for a mental illness.

I do not hesitate to say that Yacks is the backbone of Taldryan, and for his work during and around the Crusades deserves nothing less than a Grand Cross. While you’re at it, promote him to Dark Prophet!

- Tarax

Yacks is an interesting guy. I would like to say I don’t understand his motivation after fifteen years in this place, but that would be a lie - because I’ve known him for just as long. What I mean to say is that his motivation makes no sense. This is a guy that more or less topped out on the DB’s honours nearly a decade ago, there is no where left to go for him - unless some damn fool makes him Grand Master (that said, if someone wants to promote his ass to Dark Jedi Primarch, please do!). Yet he remains as Taldryan’s heart, soul and left kidney. He has an obsessive need to see Taldryan do well, and his actions on both an individual (participating in all the Crusade events and placing in many) and group (motivation of Taldryan’s younger members, and pestering and guilting her older or ancient ones) level. As a token of my (and Taldryan’s) appreciation for all that he does - I recommend Yacko for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.


I know some people wonder why you still hang around and fight for this place, Yacks; but I'd like think that I know why.

Lately, Yacks and I have been saying the same things; and often time it's kind of odd. I definitely, thought it was odd; for a while at least. Yacks never trained me; he was never around for long periods of time while I was leading in Taldryan. In fact, I didn't know Yacks extremely well until the time of the tenth GJW; at least that's what I had thought. However, I'm now fairly confident we came back to Taldryan for the same reasons.

During the Crusade, Yacks has been an exemplary standard to measure one's self by. He has had perfect participation, he has placed in many events, he given advice to many people, he has reworked a vast majority of Taldryan's military fleet, and he has encouraged members to push themselves higher through direct communication and over the mailing list. Yacks ability to give everything he has on a personal level, and push those around to higher levels is amazing. It reminds me of 2004 when I was new and Kir would drive this clan to claim its place as king of the proverbial hill; and that's just one of many examples of the many things Taldryan's leadership has done that resembles Yacks' effort.

While all of this seems winding and rambling, it has a point. There is a reason for this resemblance, and I've only recently figured it out. Yacks is one of Taldryan's founders, and his will is forever apart of our clans identity. It has been passed down through the leadership for years now, and without it I wouldn't be who I am. His love for Taldryan pushes him to do everything he can for its sake; and that is the reason why Yacks still fights as hard as he does. That's the reason I came back, and it's the reason I have stayed around; and because of that I am more than happy to write all of this. Seriously, I'm just happy that they've let me give this recommendation; if only to show my gratitude for everything. I'd like to hereby recommend Keirdagh Taldrya for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

OE Chaosrain Taldrya Original Bryar Pimp Dossier #3931

Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 08:58:12 UTC
Event ID
Valkish Ebonvar
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For leveling his character, Valkish, to max level. Well done!

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-06-23 07:11:24 UTC
Event ID
Khaldrago Quincy
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For leveling his character, Morinth, to max level. Well done!

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-06-23 07:11:24 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For 2v2 Jedi Academy matches played 6/5/13. Well done!

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-06-23 07:11:23 UTC