Event History

Displaying events 126381 - 126390 of 182972 in total
Event ID
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Shadow Nighthunter participated in 3 events in the IGs. On top of being one of our active members in the IGs, Shadow has also made 5 posts in the “Ohmen Villa” a small closed RO she is participating in with her student Aquarius. For this, I award her this Dark Cross. Thanks for working so hard with Aquarius and for being a fantastic member Shadow! Xen’Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-16 13:42:40 UTC
Event ID
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Ever since his return to to the Brotherhood, Morrighan has been a bastion of activity. I have had the pleasure of speaking with him on numerous occasions, and his dedication and ability go a long way to establish him as a key member of our clan.

I'll allow my peers to elaborate on his exploits, but let me say that this man is a talented gamer, writing, and all-round member. I am honoured to have him as a part of Arcona, and I see great things in store for him in the future.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

I am honoured to be recommending Morrighan for his first ever Grand Cross. His level of activity lately has been on top form, trying to get himself involved in anything that comes his way. Including the 2013 Independence Games. He continues to ask for work to do inside of the House and always tries to get involved in anything he can.

Morrighan made an admirable appearance by scoring a first place spot and placing in the top three of two of the fifteen competitions he participated in, including: Toribashin' It Up, Climb!, Titan Throw, As the light fades from your eyes, Strippers Are People Too..., Exodus Scramble, Who Said That, Online Mission, Six for Ten, Inspiration on Bald Mountain, Dirty Dozen, Caption Combat, Acronym Fun, What they REALLY should have said, Death Star, Tractor Beam, X-Wing, The Antei Contract Bureau

Though he also continues to work outside of the Independence Games, helping myself and Sanguinius with organising small things that make our life easier, the best example was the results of the Independence Games, he helped us lay it out in a format that we would be able to easily work from. So for all of his hard work inside and outside of the IG’s, his constant level of activity in gaming as well in which he has been a constant level of activity inside of the Arcona Flashpoint Group. Stepping up when we needed a healer and taking on the role without complaining or without fuss.

Congratulations on this Grand Cross of the Dark Side and I look forward to continue to see your work inside of Clan Arcona and House Galeres, Morrighan.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae Aedile of House Galeres

Morrighan recently returned to us from the Rogues and swiftly secured Dark Jedi Knight within a few days of doing so. He has asked constantly to have stuff to do to help the the House and is always trying to help me in my job as a Quaestor. He kicked arse in the IGs and is a model example of a Galerean. Give him a Grand Cross already! Congrats, Morrighan.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Quaestor of House Galeres

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-05-16 14:01:44 UTC
Event ID
Adept Xantros
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Xantros participated in 11 events in the IGs. He led by showing a great example to all our members that participation is good. This was on top of the several other projects he works on as AED and judging his own event in the games. As thanks for being an active leader and member of Scholae Palatinae I award him this Anteian Cross. Thanks Xantros! Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-16 13:42:39 UTC
Event ID
Koryn Palpatine Thraagus
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Koryn participated in 3 events in the IGs. He has been continuing his duties as RM helping our new members, answering questions and matching up students with masters. As thanks for his activity in helping Scholae Palatinae and work in the IGs I award him this Dark Cross. Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-16 13:42:39 UTC
Event ID
Empress Rayne Palpatine
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Rayne participated in 4 events in the IGs. For thanks in her participation in the IGs I award her this Dark Cross. Great work Rayne! Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-16 13:42:39 UTC
Event ID
Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Natth participated in 4 events in the IGs as well as created and graded his own event. This included a second place in the incredibly difficult Cryptography 301 event. He placed multiple times leading to coming in first for the Sprinting to the Solution category. For this fantastic work I award him this Anteian Cross. Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-16 13:42:38 UTC
Event ID
Maenaki Delavi'in
Dark Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

K’tana participated in 6 competitions during the Independence Games and has shown much activity within Dark Forge during the Dark Crusade. She is always someone who can easily inspire those around her and is indeed a valuable asset to both the battleteam and House Galeres.

Congratulations on your Dark Cross.

SW Kalon Dane Beviin

Sergeant, Dark Forge

It’s my great pleasure to be recommending K’tana for a Dark Cross. K’tana constantly has an energetic presence among the Brotherhood, inspiring others with her energy and her temerity. Most recently, she made all her brethren proud in earning her title of Dark Jedi Knight, an accomplishment she worked long and hard for. I’m honored to be rewarding her for her continued activity beyond this milestone and proud to see her continuing to strive.

In the recent Independence Games, K’tana, present as always, managed to place in the top three of one of the six competitions she participated in, including: Call Your Banners, Six for Ten, Strippers Are People Too..., Dirty Dozen, A Dark Jedi on Earth, Man. That Guy Is A....

For all this effort and more, I believe K’tana has certainly earned this Dark Cross. Congratulations, K’tana! Awesome work and unicorns as always.

Jedi Hunter Atyiru Araave

Executive Officer, Dark Forge

Kat...that crazy lady. She got DJK, did comps and represented Galeres. Dark Cross please. Thanks.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 13:00:39 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Riverche for this Steel Cross. Her hard work inside of the 2013 Independence Games has not gone unnoticed, as well as her constant level of activity inside of House Galeres and Clan Arcona.

Riverche made a valiant effort, placing in the top three of three of the fifteen competitions she participated in, including: Titan Throw, Climb! SWTOR: Race To Level 10, Exodus Scramble, Caption Combat, Strippers Are People Too..., Six for Ten, What they REALLY should have said, Who Said That?, Online Mission, URL Hunt, Ewokapocalypse, What can you do with a bucket of paint?, Cryptography 301: Into The Fire, Torture by Crypto, Death Star, Tractor Beam, X-Wing.She has been an active members inside of IRC as well as gaming getting involved in other aspects of the Brotherhood during her time inside of the Clan, proving herself to be a valiable and dedicated member of this club.

Congratulations on this Steel Cross Riverche, we appreciate all the hard work that you have been doing lately. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae

Aedile of House Galeres.

Riverche is a dark horse, hiding her true potential and surprising me by the sheer amount of competitions she participated in. She is one of my many Journeymen who comprise the true strength of House Galeres and contributed to the fantastic showing of Galeres during the Independence Games. For going beyond what we expected from a Journeyman, she wholeheartedly deserves this Steel Cross. Congrats, Riverche.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 12:59:19 UTC
Event ID
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

For participating in 10 competitions during Independence Games, and while not making a final placement, has demonstrated a great deal of battleteam activity during this event. Nath is one of those people that will always make time to participate in any event, more for the team than for herself, and I believe she has earned a Anteian Cross for her efforts.

Congratulations Nath!

SW Kalon Dane Beviin

Sergeant, Dark Forge

During the Independence Games Nath participated in ten events during the games: - Six for Ten, As the light fades from your eyes, Exodus Scramble, Online Mission, Who Said That? Call Your Banners – 4th, Torture by Crypto, Death Star, Tractor Beam, X-Wing. We are proud to have Nath as part of SoulFire Strike Team. Her submissions and quality of work reflected the quality we expect of our members. In addition to her own submissions and above average activity she has managed to frequently work with other members in Galeres. She has often without any complaint helped other members with proof reading, and provided significant encouragement throughout the IG's

Congratulations Nath on the Dark Cross.

-JH S’nar Que Seshai

Executive Officer of SoulFire Strike Team

NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH! She did 8 events during the IGs and represented Galeres and Arcona. She took the time out of her busy schedule dealing with rl issues. She made me proud and I love being proud of my members. Give her an Anteian Cross for her troubles. Congrats, Nath.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 12:57:53 UTC
Event ID
Eminent Ikarri Itinen
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

S’nar recently moved from HQD to Galeres and just went up four gears in terms of activity. He rushed from Novice to Jedi Hunter and is on the cusp of Dark Jedi Knight. He participated in 5 events in the Independence Games and is currently serving as XO of the recently reopened Soulfire Strike Team. He is part of a ToR Flashpoint team that is comprised of Arcona’s Journeymen. He is learning the ropes of leadership, helped with medal recs and is generally showing me that he is another future leader of Arcona. S’nar needs this Anteian Cross like now...Thanks S’nar for being awesome. Keep it up.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

Quaestor of House Galeres

I am honoured to be recommending S’nar for this Anteian Cross, he has been an active and dedicated member of House Galeres and Clan Arcona ever since he joined the club. He has got involved and just dove straight into the deep end of the pool as it is, taking the opportunity to ask for help whenever possible.

He put his effort in for the Independence Games as stated above, but also helped other members get involved. Helping to drive the team he is part of to put out an outstanding number of entries overall. He continues to inspire younger members and keep them active, jumping on ToR to help them do Warzones. His hard work inside and outside of the Games has shown he truly will grow and progress in the Brotherhood.

We thank you for all your hard work S’nar, Congratulations on this Anteian Cross and keep up the hard work in the future. I look forward to working with you once again.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae Aedile of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-05-16 13:09:45 UTC