Event History

Displaying events 127721 - 127730 of 183064 in total
Event ID
Qoma Kalligsen
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For completing Story Mode Karagaa's Palace on 3/2/2013

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-03-31 02:36:07 UTC
Event ID
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For completing Story Mode Black Talon

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-03-31 02:35:28 UTC
Event ID
Lord Halcyon
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For completing Story Mode Black Talon

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-03-31 02:35:29 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since joining the Club, Valerius has shown great enthusiasm for the Brotherhood and for Arcona. Participating in six entries for Chapters I & II for the first phase of the Dark Crusade, alongside managing to place 2nd in the Wiki competition, Valerius has thrown himself into the Brotherhood. For this reason, I am happy to award Valerius an Anteian Cross.

Nikolai Valtiere Flight Leader, Void Squadron

Valerius has shown steady participation and growth throughout the Dark Crusade. Participating in the Graphics and Cryptology Competitions from both Phase 1 and Phase2, as well as the Phase 1 Wiki and Phase 2 Run On for a total of 6 Events. He has also has earned a total of 17 Clusters of Fire. In addition to the Cryptology Courses/Events Valerius completed the Training Saber Basics exam during this time period as well. Congratulations Valeriuskane! Great job and keep up your consistent performance, we've still got alot of planets left to conquer!

Valhavoc Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Valhavoc, 2013-03-30 08:05:14 UTC
Event ID
Mako Henymory
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

This past month, Sight has taken and passed 14 Shadow Academy courses. He has shown great aptitude in these courses, netting high passing scores. To finish off the month, Sight has earnt his first degree, Dark Maven of History. Good work Sight, keep up the study.

Master Windos, 2013-03-29 15:06:04 UTC
Event ID
Epis Locke Sonjie
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

A lot has happened in the year that Locke has now been Consul. Where once upon a time Clan Naga Sadow was very much the writing Clan that had always had a problem finding gamers, today Clan Naga Sadow is the writing Clan that also enjoys a huge member base of The Old Republic players. That has meant considerable change in the way of doing things, not least the fact that the Clan has become redefined by the new younger generation of TOR addicts, whose knowledge of not just the Dark Brotherhood but of the Star Wars universe is rooted less in Grand Admiral Thrawn and Naga Sadow, and more in Ahsoka Tano and Darth Malgus.

Most leaders would have balked at such a transition. Locke, however, has held fast through what have been testing times, and with his Summit has been forced to oversee the what have been difficult, but very much necessary, decisions to redesign Clan Naga Sadow for this new generation, whose idea of what it means to be a Dark Jedi, or how to spend their recreatonal time, is far removed from the days of the Emperor's Hammer back in the 1990s, or even of the first years following the Exodus during the 2000s. This has meant more than just changing the wallpaper and redesigning the Clan's fictional identity, and has meant working closely with the House Summits, the way in which the Battleteams work and operate, and how things such as the Black Guard or the Master Student Program are used to engage with what can at times be a distant, video game world oriented membership, in order to integrate them into the "game" that is the whole Dark Brotherhood experience. For a traditionally writing Clan, that has not been an easy task. But while the Clan of 2013 is a long way from the Clan of five years ago, Clan Naga Sadow remains an enthusiastic and united community in which to be a part.

Yes, there remain challenges ahead, as there always have been, and always will, but as we move forward into Locke's second year as Consul, Clan Naga Sadow continues to develop into its new identity, both fictionally and actively, and as Star Wars itself moves into a new era under Disney, it will be leaders like Locke that the Dark Brotherhood needs to shoulder the challenges ahead. For this, Locke deserves all the praises that this award represents, and I look forwad to seeing where the Clan goes in the next year.

Congratulations, Lord Consul!

Darth Vexatus, Son of Sadow


A while back, I picked, from a few applications, Locke Sonjie to serve as my Adelie in the newly formed House Shar Dakhan. I left the summit but he remained, and went from Proconsul, to Consul, a position he’s held for about a year straight now. A year straight, as Consul of one of two clans in the Dark Brotherhood, I’ll let that hang a moment.

Locke has been thanklessly working hard, behind the scenes, on projects all aimed at making Naga Sadow better, investing the precious time he has between a real life job and his education to see that the best can happen for his parent clan. I couldn’t possibly detail everything, but I’ve always considered that to be a side effect of being Consul. One never really knows the things they've done in detail. We can only miss them when they’re gone. I do know in recent times, he’s contributed to the Clan in the vendetta events, not content to just administrate, he still works.

Having said that, I checked out the definition of Sacrament, which roots in sanctify, which says (according to Google) “Make Legitimate”

Locke Sonjie, well, the man IS legitimate. He works hard, he listens, he helps, and he SERVES. Such contribution is exactly the criteria for the Sapphire Blade, an award I respectfully ask be bestowed upon him. Simply put, he deserves it, if for no better reason than putting up with me. Fortunately, (or not) he works with, around, and for so much more.

As a Quaestor emeritus for House Shar Dakhan of Clan Naga Sadow, his former boss, and ultimately, his friend, please consider my former Aedile for a Sapphire Blade.

OP Mirado Pepoi L’eonheart


Since starting with the Sadowan summit as an Aedile to House Shar Dakhan, Locke has proven his drive to ensure our members are happy. That was a fair way back now and Locke has worked his way all the way to Consul, a position he has held with honour for a year. Within that time Locke has coordinated with other units of the Brotherhood to create events for his members to take part in as well as to create a fictional arrangement between ourselves and Scholae Palatinae for continued future events. But this collaboration is not all, he has also worked tirelessly to hear his membership and ensure they are happy, going as far as personally getting in contact with members who have drifted away from the Brotherhood and implementing a suggestion box for our members to anonymously leave their opinions or (obviously) suggestions on what direction the Clan should take.

Aside from all this work, Locke still puts all his available time (as limited as it is as a University student) into making sure that his Clan succeeds and continues to make its members happy. As a member of his summit, I have seen and heard how hectic this drive can be as well as how often it succeeds. It is for that reason that I feel we truly need to honour Locke with something befitting his efforts to the Clan and the Brotherhood; to show we appreciate his monumental efforts to make this environment warm, welcoming and fun for all. With my voice counted among the others gathered here, please allow me to congratulate you, Locke. You've earned it.

Exarch Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Consul Emeritus, Naga Sadow


I've known Locke for a couple of years now. If there's one thing I've got to say about it, it's this: He's what I aspire to be in a Consul someday. He's the dedicated, devoted member that balances a hectic life of work and school, to personally inspire his members to effort and participation. He's always calm and collected, never rushing to judgement, always seeking to listen and hear everyone. He's friendly, approachable, always ready to hear someone out and give them good feedback and advice. He never complains, only seeing it as a reason to work harder. He never says anything other than "Thank You", and "How can I help?".

He leads the charge for activity personally, as often as he can, always remaining in touch, always working to serve others. I've never seen or heard of him refusing to help someone, or at least helping to find someone skilled enough to do so. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about him, because there isn't anything bad to say about him. His personal efforts remain the strong backbone upon which Clan Naga Sadow continues to function smoothly.

I'm proud to be able to add my name and words to this request for his award. He is more than deserving.

Congrats Locke. You've earned it.

OE Tra'an Reith, Quaestor of House Plagueis


If I were allowed only one word to describe Consul Locke Sonjie, I would have to break the rules. So much goes into being an effective, exemplary leader, and he accomplishes it all. Not only does he execute his leadership well, but he has done so now for an entire year. In my time in Naga Sadow, both as a member and leadership role, Locke has performed admirably bringing activities and events broad in scope to the Clan to keep its members active and entertained. Such events include the Clan Feud (that CNS Won!) and Horizons; and not only does he encourage participation, he sets the bar by participating right along with the rest of the Clan. There aren’t a lot of things that come to his desk that he doesn’t share and ask for input from everyone. Such matters include Naga Sadow’s Fleet and details of the Black Guard, which he along with Proconsul Atra have worked tirelessly to iron out and reintroduce. It is evident by his attentiveness to the Quaestors and the development of the Houses that the present and future of Naga Sadow mean a great deal to him. We know that on top of his Consul duties, Locke has RL and an education to juggle. Despite that we have a leader that listens, leads by example, and continues to help each of us grow. It is by this recommendation that Locke be awarded a Sapphire Blade for his ongoing dedication to Naga Sadow.

OT Kairus Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan


Okay... Time to write a rec. I'm not really good at these things, or speeches, or much of anything for that matter. I mean, this guy wears purple as his order's color. There must be something wrong with him. And this guy is tireless! There isn't much I can say that hasn't been handled hardcore by all these great recomendations above. Locke is the definition of a work horse. This guy never rests, never sleeps. Why? Because he doesn't sleep, he merely lays down and plots out how to spend our fleet points for hours until the sun arises once more.

If you want to know what a leader looks like when they lead from the driver's seat, it is him. He is in constant contact with all of his Summit members, asking for updates and helping however he can. When Locke asks for something to get done, it is never something he isn't willing to do himself. In fact, he would do it himself if given the opportunity but then he'd be burnt out and I'd be left with more to do, so I take it off his plate. Still fights me on it.

His organizational skills are phenominal, forms and spreadsheets all over the place. He doesn't like to leave any stone unturned and is never afraid to ask more and more questions. Even though I now thoroughly despise the word "why" I am still glad he asks it without hesitation. This is what a Consul should be, someone who lives and dies for his Clan and never once asks for something more... Some recognition. All he wants is a happy Clan, and he expects only what he would expect of himself.

Having spent 1 year in the role of Consul, he is still working as fervently as the first day on the job, and that is something to be proud of. I hereby recommend him for the Sapphire Blade, and hope he doesn't get burnt out any time soon!

Congratulations, Locke

OP Atra Ventus, Proconsul of Naga Sadow

, 2013-03-29 13:24:35 UTC
Event ID
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Submitted on behalf of Socorra, Valhavoc and Nikolai.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Over the past few months, Nadrin has done great work for Arcona. He’s been a mediating force as the most senior active Arconae, along with the hard task of helping a student to knighthood. Not only that, but Nadrin has participated in all bar one of the events of both chapters of phase one Dark Crusade, and helped others by proofing and critiquing their entries. For these reasons, I am elated to recommend Nadrin for a Grand Cross.

Nikolai Valtiere Flight Leader, Void Squadron

Nadrin's mentorship and participation throughout the last few months have been a great boon to Clan Arcona. Nikolai mentioned that Nadrin was the most senior active Arconae, of this elite group Nadrin's participation in the Dark Crusade Events has been on par with members of the current Summit. He has submitted entries to ten of the eleven competitions offered, and was a contributor to the 2nd Place Wiki Team. As an Arconae Nadrin has been a guiding hand offering guidance to the Summit when needed and offering suggestions throughout the Crusade.

During this time period Nardin had also been actively mentoring two Journeymen, Nikolai Valtiere has already completed his trials to Knighthood and was chosen to step into a Battleteam Leader role. Which he has performed admirably, I am certain that the quality of Nikolai's work is due at least in part to the fine mentorship which Nadrin provided, and continues to provide to him. Nadrin's second student, Valeriuskane, has been steadily participating in the Dark Crusade Events and is

Leadership, experience, and a willing mentor are three very valuable assetts within members. Often times individuals may become complacent to sit on their laurels after a period and tone down activity. Nadrin is not one of those people, and I for one am very thankful for that. Congratulations Nadrin, keep up the good work!

Valhavoc Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-03-27 09:19:57 UTC
Event ID
Terran Koul
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Submitted on behalf of Socorra and Valhavoc.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Over the last two phases Invictus has participated in eight of the eleven events which were available, and placed in three of them. He was a part of the 2nd Place Wiki Team from Phase One, the 2nd Place Run On Team from Phase Two, and finished in 5th Place for the Cryptology 201 Competition.

Beyond his contributions to Arcona's Crusade effort Invictus took it upon himself to organize and format a Activity Tracker Google Form which the Clan has used to track when a member submits to an Event. Vic did this of his own accord, and with no prompting by leadership. The tool was so useful in rallying the Clan members that it was a highly anticipated as we moved into Phase 2, knowing how tough competition would be. Again Vic delivered a fantastic product for Arcona's use.

As Phase 2 began Invictus stepped back onto the Summit as the Shadow Gate Battleteam Leader. He quickly was emailing and motivating his team to participate in the Crusade, setting the example himself with full participation in Phase 2. Invictus has also begun work on a massive overhaul of the Clan Arcona wiki, for this project he has assembled a team of volunteers and is coordinating their effort to ensure the Clan's articles are all updated and looking good.

For all of these contributions I am proud to award Invictus with a Grand Cross. Great job Vic!

Valhavoc Aedile House Qel-Droma

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-03-27 09:19:57 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Submitted on behalf of Socorra and Valhavoc.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Over the last four months Montresor has set the example for high performing members of House Qel-Droma. In January alone he completed a staggering fifteen Shadow Academy courses, none of which were required for a promotion I might add, earned 208 Clusters of Fire, placed 2nd in the Herald's Graphics Prologue for the Dark Crusade, placed 2nd in the Headmasters Error Hunt competition, and earned two Clusters of Ice from the Voice's Dark Crusade Prologue Run On.

Quite honestly if there is a competition to be done, you can bet that Monty will be submitting to it. The Dark Crusade is no exception. Montresor has participated in -EVERY- event which has been offered so far within the Crusade. Often completing them within the first week! In Phase 1 of the Crusade he contributed to the 4th Place Wiki Team, writing a detailed description of the One Sith Base for the article. During Phase 2 Montresor was a member of the 2nd Place Run On Team, giving feedback on posts and storyline development to the Team as the story progressed. In addition to his activity within the Crusade he still managed to find time to earn another 105 Clusters of Fire in February and March.

Arcona's newest catchphrase "Do Work Son!" was also coined by Montresor as he encouraged other members of the Clan through the Arcona mailing list to participate as much as they could. I am proud to award Montresor a Grand Cross, because... HE DID WORK SON!

Valhavoc Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-03-27 09:19:57 UTC
Event ID
Mayda Ferium
Crescent with Ruby Star
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
ShadowHand Secrets
Requested by
Primary reason

First Place in correctly identifying the quote used in my last report.

Raken, 2013-03-28 14:26:05 UTC