Die Another Day
By Sinya’ni
It was a simple exchange. The Twi’lek had been on many such missions while in House Tyranus. Meet a contact, slip them a credit chip, receive a data stick, walk away. Simple…or so it seemed.
“Slagar never had me do these unarmed. That’s just stupid,” Sinya’ni said out loud to herself as she contemplated slipping a vibroknife into her boot. “Nah, too risky. What if they have a scanner? Don’t want to scare them off.” So she set off into the seedy streets of the Smuggler’s Moon unarmed. “Yeah…this will end well. What could possibly go wrong,” she muttered under her breath as she pulled the hood of her cloak up over her lekku.
The streets were crowded. Sapients from all over the galaxy found their way to Nar Shaddaa for any number of reasons, none of them good. As the four foot, nine inch Rylothian zigged and zagged her way across the plaza trying not to be stepped on, she realized one good thing about not having anything in her pockets…she didn’t have to worry about pickpockets.
Sinya’ni reached the alley where the rendezvous was to take place and stopped at the entrance. Leaning against the wall, she watched the people as they passed. No sign of her contact. She waited a bit longer before ducking down the deserted roadway.
“Well this is just great. How long am I supposed to wait befo–“ the Twi’ilek stopped mid ramble. She looked both ways and up at the roofs of the surrounding buildings before cautiously approaching the pair of boots sticking out of the rubbish pile. Sure enough, she’d found her contact. The Nautolan was dead. This simple exchange just got complicated.
Checking her surroundings again, the diminutive Rutian searched the unfortunate cadaver. There was no datastick. Not one piece of electronic information. But the former amphian did have a small backpack and a blaster burn the size of a kowakian monkey on his chest. Inside the pack was a handful of worthless items.
Nerf Towel
Radiation Detector
BlasTech DL-21 Blaster Pistol
Fantafly Polyhedral Dice
Assassin's Ring
Audio Recording Rod
Keyring with keys
Dental floss
She grabbed the pack and quickly left the alley. Her small stature and Force concealment made it easy to get lost in the crowd. That’s when she saw the assassin. He was hanging out by the alley watching her leave. The Klatoonian male followed her into the street but soon lost her. However, she did not lose sight of the tall dog man.
As the suspect turned back, Sinya followed. One hand was on the blaster, the other clutched the pack. “Come on, that’s right. Take me to your leader, slobbermouth.” She muttered. The assassin did not, in fact, lead her to his boss. But to another back alley where he disappeared.
Reaching out with the Force, the Twi’lek tried to sense her prey. However, there were too many people in close proximity. It was an overwhelming sensation. So many thoughts and feelings bombarded her that she abandoned the Force search in favor of good old fashioned walking, but in the end, the assassin was nowhere to be found. “Well…guess that’s it then,” she said as she turned away and made the long trek back to her ship.