Fiction Activity

Phase 2 Fiction
Textual submission

Orbit Around Ferosar
Ferosar system, Clan Fero Space
Midnight Mynock- Imperial Listener Gozanti

Hector Von Ricmore gazed upon the planet of Ferosar. His first impression of the planet reminded him of the Vizsla Clan World of Zsoldos. A variety of geographic features and climates with a notable spaceport. A spaceport that they would now be targeting.

The “they” Hector had thought of was a rag-tag group of Clan Vizsla members who had jumped to the Ferosar system in pursuit of their target. Alenna Vhett, the head of diplomacy for Fero, was relatively isolated at the Jarris Spaceport.

The question remained: was this a target of opportunity or bait for a well set trap?

Vizsla had decided to take the opportunity, willing to spring a trap if necessary.

”Captain, what have the initial scans shown?”

The Captain of the Mynock, a middle age Human retired from the Iron Fleet, ran a tight and efficient ship. He had conducted a thorough sensor sweep upon entering the system, even prior to being asked.

”Initial scans have verified our intelligence. Vhett is at the spaceport with a small Supercommando guard. We’ve picked up a small number of Taral Guardians but its a token defense at best, just a dozen Kom’rk fighter transports.”

That was troubling news. It wasn’t that the Vizsla force couldn’t handle such a foe, the opposite was true in fact. But to leave one of their warlords open to attack with such a small military force on one of their planets? It seemed strange, even to a man of limited tactical knowledge like Hector.

“They could be hoping to pick up allies or reinforcements Sir. I’ll see to it that the Mynock is ready to jam or intercept any transmissions not registered as Brotherhood aligned.” The Captain declared.

”Thank you Captain. Please do so. I’ll be heading to the port with the strike force momentarily. Inform me if the situation changes.”

With that pronouncement, the Kiffar strode from the room. The armored boots of his Katarn armor clanged against the deck of the ship. His route took him away from the hangar and instead to the ship’s escape pod area. He crammed into a pod alongside a half dozen Iron Legion soldiers, another half dozen entering a sister pod. The strike team had left the other 2 pods for the crew of the Gozanti in case of an emergency.

The twin pods shot out the side of the ship, propelled towards the planet. They ghosted past the token defense fleet, whom was occupied with a variety of member vessels from Kom’rk to a Class type B shuttle.

’Looks like Jai will be joining us on the planet.’ Hector mused to himself. His apprentice was a skilled individual and would be fine on his own. But his was not opposed to allying with the human to take down their target.

The pods entered the atmosphere. A hail of fire shot from the ground to meet them, fired from defensive anti aircraft turrets.

”Eject now!” Hector ordered.

The twin pods separated as troopers on ejector seats were scattered throughout the sky.

One seat took too long to eject, a defensive laser blasting the trooper to ash upon impact.

The seats fell through the sky and gained momentum. They auto deployed parachutes, saving the troopers from impact but making them a target for the AA weapons. Another three troopers were blasted on the way down. The emplacements were meant for larger targets but they were not incapable of hitting smaller objects, especially at the speed the troopers were moving.

Hector and the remaining 8 Iron Legion troops landed safely, quickly disembarking from their seats and reading their weapons.

”Get to those guns!” Hector called to rally his men. The unit began to move towards the emplacement, determined to silence them before more losses occurred.

The soldiers surged forward trading blaster fire with the Clan Fero defenders. The Iron Legion soldiers were veterans of many engagements, their shots rarely missed the target. But the Clan Fero soldiers were garbed in proper Beskar; each blast that impacted the metal only dazed the soldier within.

Emboldened by the state of their defenses a Fero soldier rushed forward wielding a vibroblade. His beskar armor absorbed the blasts from the Vizsla soldiers as he fell upon one with an animal like ferocity. The vibrating weapon cleaved through armor and flesh alike, leading to the rapid death of the Iron Legion soldier.

Hector drew his Sith sword and stepped forward to intercept the attacker. His longer blade gave him an advantage in reach but the Fero bladesmen was quite skilled with his own weapon. He caught each swing on his own blade, the vibrations slowly eroding away the structure of the Sith Sword.

The hybrid drew his sonic pistol with his offhand, firing a green ring into the chest of the Fero soldier.

Geonosian sonic weapons were unique in nature. Slow firing and slow projectiles could make them difficult to hit a target with. But the blast was designed to slay an organic target through their armor. In short, the Beskar worn by the Fero soldier served as a shiny coffin, he was dead before he hit the ground.

The death of the bladesmen rallied the Vizsla soldiers and caused discord among the Fero troopers. Hector continued to fire his Sonic weapon at targets of opportunity. The remaining 7 soldiers utilized what explosives they had to bombard the Fero troops, driving them from cover and into the open, easy prey for the Sonic pistol.

Within the next few minutes the Fero defenders had been routed, any troops in the area had surrendered or been slain.

”We going to blow the guns and make a move on that diplomat?” A soldier asked

”No. We’ll hold the emplacement for now. There are plenty of Vizsla forces moving to the target. I want us ready to take down any possible escape craft.” Hector responded.

His words would prove soon true enough. A trio of Kom’rk fighters blitzed through the sky, recklessly and rapidly flying towards the area of the spaceport the diplomat was last seen in.

”Shoot them down.” Hector ordered the Legionaries. With the recent deaths of their comrades, they were all too happy to oblige.

Blasterfire and anti air rockets tore through the air and smashed into the trio of craft. The Vessels attempted evasive maneuvers, firing flares and chaff to confuse the incoming rockets. But the structures of the spaceport and size of their vessels limited their ability to dodge the incoming fire. Soon all 3 were entirely destroyed, deriving the diplomat of a possible escape route.

Hector’s commlink chirped. “Attention all Vizsla forces, the diplomat has been captured. I repeat, the diplomat has been captured.”

The mission had been a success. Hector and his men took several minutes to lay charges and destroy the anti air emplacements. They then traveled to the designated rendezvous and travelled off planet. Now they had to hurry back to defend their home system.

They could only hope that they would not be too late.