Title: The douchiest story ever told...
The struggle is real. Not a day goes by in the life of Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor where he is not reminded of his excellence. Everywhere he goes, crowds gather to chant his name, or whisper in awe behind his back. If you had once told the man that he'd grow tired of having a personal soundtrack of adulation, he simply wouldn't have believed you. For such a young man from humble beginnings, writing his name large upon the stars was all that he could have ever dreamed of. But alas, like all the more ordinary folks in the galaxy, the dreams he once dreamed for became nothing but a curse once finally achieved.
Enjoying the simple pleasures in life became an impossibility. A late night stroll with a beautiful woman saw him besieged by the adoring public. A simple dinner out with friends became a spectacle where he was expected to endear himself to those whom fate decided would share his dining space for the evening. All of those who dream big dreams wish for success, and to be powerful and control their own fate. None ever put thought to the cost.
In Keirdagh's life, there has been but one pure failure: to be normal.