Stepping Down and Integration
In 38 ABY, relations between Maelous and House Quaestor Sanguinius Entar had deteriorated greatly. After much consideration Maelous decided that two years of summit service was more than enough, and stepped down as House Marka Ragnos’ Aedile, to pursue his own endeavors. He quickly left Tarthos behind and traveled to Sepros.
Mealous spent the next few months researching in the libraries in the Temple of Sorrow. Anything that he could find of any use to further his power and legacy he devoured with the veracity only a Sith could understand. His research focused primarily on gaining a deeper understanding of Force Alchemy, relics, and Dark Side sites. He studied what he could of the temples left behind by the ancient Sith Lords, the ideas of creating a Holocron, the different varieties of crystals used in a lightsaber.
Having lost his legs in the recent conflict with the Dominion, he also began research into cybernetics. He looked into experimental technology as well as imbuing them with Force power through the use of alchemy. The research has been inconclusive though he still looks for the most reliable and advantageous design.
Maelous eventually returned to Tarthos. Using House and Clan resources he requisitioned an out of use research facility in Kar Alabrek. The Sith had large amounts of equipment brought in as well any materials that would be need to continue his studies. Researched progressed slowly due continued interruptions from military and science officials checking in on the Battlemaster. After almost killing a low ranking officer in a fit of rage after one of these interruptions Maelous decided that he needed a place of his own.
The Site
After some additional research and long nights of meditation in the Force Maelous was led to Terra Do Gelo. He was able to locate a cave system within the mountains of the frozen wasteland with a large enough opening to land a small transport vessel. Maelous spent several standard weeks exploring the cave system and using his holopad to map out the system. He noticed that there were some small “flares” of Force energy that he indicated the site could be turned into something magnificent.
During his exploration he began to feel a pull toward Jade Sadow through the Force Bond. Maelous felt that she was in extreme danger and became aware of her physical pain. He immediately left the site and returned to his transport vessel. Using the Force he began to direct the pilot and set out on a mission to rescue the Cathar.
Return to Study
After rescuing Jade, Maelous returned to Sepros to leave her with a medical staff that could properly tend her wounds. After promising to return for her before he set out for his expedition he began to do more in depth research into the temples on Korriban, Thule, Dromund Kaas, as well as other sites. During his research he received a message from the former Grand Master of the Brotherhood requesting his presence in Kar Alabrek. Not wanting to miss the great opportunity he sent a message informing Jade of his departure and left immediately for Tarthos.