Fiction Activity

Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 1
Textual submission

Walk ‘neath the halls of darkness, where allies
Cavort to bring down a tyrant leader.
Together they hope to find, the answer,
Before chaos once again destroys them:
One who remembers the old emperor,
Who, hid from sight, brought Jedi to heel;
A second, masters over life and death,
Will follow their king to oblivion.
The tertiary clan, per Kessel rules.
The shadows breathe, steps forth those who serve dark,
Another sworn oath turned aside to aid.

Strategy is their only solace here,
Against a monster, a beast in armor.
Strike when the shadows fall, extinguish light,
That the tyrant exudes in his own mind.
Hold fast as legions in iron approach,
The slaughter of all who resist their call.
A lure tossed into the sea of stars,
A tempting treat to one so arrogant.
The trap is placed, the wire strung, patience,
And the stroke of victory is complete.
*Sic simper tyrannis*, his slaves arise.