“Message to all Tarenti/Tarentae: Gear up and head to the Dajorra System ASAP, exact coordinates will follow.” Consul Frosty Romanae alerted all of Tarentum.
While heading out, the transport received several coordinates through the comlink. Where were they heading? As many thoughts went through Ranarr’s mind, he started feeling lighter in his head. Only minutes later he passed out.
“Hrrnnn…rrmm...” As Ranarr regained consciousness he found himself on a small island, he wasn’t alone. The Cathar was sharing the limited space on the island with a Plagueian and Arconan, both recovering from a black out as well. The Arconan looked around: “Selen…”
“So, that’s where we are?”… The Arconan nodded.
Almost simultaneously the voices of Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar, Warlord Teylas Ramar di Plagia and Warlord Frosty Romanae Tarentae interrupted the silence, bringing one and the same message to their members: “We brought you to this group of islands on Selen…” the Arconan was right. “…and teamed you up with our allies. We need to prepare for the big thing ahead and we want you to share your knowledge and skills with each other.”
Ranarr looked around and noticed more islands in a distance around them. “Each our own little training spot huh?” The three members looked at each other with suspicion, but agreed on the fact that they all had their strengths and weaknesses.
“Let’s do this!”