Abadeer tapped his fingers on the bar, looking to the bartender.
“That drink, if you would.” Taasii wouldn’t be asking a third time. The man slid a tall glass across the wood counter. Abadeer nodded before returning to his table. Seated there was a selection of various members of House Karness Muur. Taasii sat down in his seat, looking around.
“Now, where was I? Ah right.. the shield generator.” Abadeer was trying to appear suave, taking a long draught of his drink. “Well let’s see.. so they raised the generator, and it was making troop advancement totally impossible, as well as costly. So I came up with a suitable strategy with Arden and we were able to shut them down. We had a small platoon, and I used them to full advantage. They were directed as a full frontal assault distraction. They attacked the hill well, but it wasn’t enough. Then I took myself, and a few others and took some secret routes to be able to get around the enemy.” One of the Knights from Karness Muur was nodding excitedly, he’d been drinking heavily all night.
“How’d you do it? You must’ve been so worried. I mean the shield generator was so heavily fortified!” Abadeer nodded at the praise.
“It wasn’t a mission we could leave to just anyone, but I was able to accomplish it. It took a great amount of skill and perseverance, but those rebels never stood a chance. After we got around their defense, it was a matter of just eliminating them. I mean it only took about ten minutes to move through the entire encampment. Maybe you boys could learn something. It’s all about the plan, as long as you have the skill to execute it.” Abadeer nodded sagely as some of the younger members had shocked and impressed looks on their faces. The older more experienced members just sat and rolled their eyes.