Malice could hear the chaos coming from down below. Looking out the window to her room, Geonosians and long forgotten droids angrily buzzed around, trying to get inside. She had no doubt that they would overcome in this fight, but she didn't want to risk her family. Going back to packing, she was throwing diapers and other infant necessities into a bag for Auxil to take. Two ice packs ensured that the bottles she added would be kept cold, but she packed formula as well just in case. The protocol droid knew how to make bottles. They were the best at caring for Ora.
"Auxil, you know what time she goes to bed. Don't let my mother keep her up later than her bedtime. I'd prefer she sleep on the ship, just to make sure she doesn't return with fleas. However, if she does, you know how to take care of them, so do that as quickly as you can. Aiya and I don't need an outbreak."
"Of course, Lady Malice."
Glancing down at Ora, the child clearly had no idea the possible danger she was in, for she gurgled calmly and sucked on one of her feet.
"Edward, Mortem, Imp," she started, "you'll be coming with me again. Everyone else, I want you to follow Alexa to Kalon's ship. He's likely out fighting, but I want you to take Ora to Cholganna. Our family there has met her before, and they should know Kalon's ship by now. You'll be safe there."
She bent to Ora's level while the rest of the droids scrambled to get everything ready to go.
"Mama is going to help clean up this mess," she cooed, "She's going to kill all of those nasty bugs, and then I'll make a mobile from their wings and you can watch it as you sleep."
Standing to her full height again, Malice watched as Alexa carefully lifted the child carrier and the droids who weren't fit for this level of fighting hurried out.
Turning to everyone who was left, she quickly attached her weapons to her belt before starting to speak.
"Everyone here was on the team that went to check out the caves that these vermin live in. Even though most of you stood guard outside, you saw the information as we were bringing it back. The droids, you should have no problems with. They're old, and you all overpower them with just your arms. The Geonosians, however, you should be more careful of. They can fly around and avoid your weapons and maybe even your tracking. However, if you aim and shoot for their wings, they'll be forced to land and they'll be swept up in the chaos. Imp?"
The droid stood at attention at the mention of its name.
"You've got the best tracking system. You'll be in charge of downing them, alright?"
"Then Edward and Mortem can come in and stab or burn them up. Directions understood?"
She nodded, content with their answers.
"Aiya, you'll be with me."
The Nexu huffed, likely knowing full well where she'd be."
"Alright, it's time to do this. Let's clear this scum away from our home."