Fiction Activity

New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
Textual submission

Jurdan looked to his left, and then he looked to his right. Everywhere he looked there were Sadowans and Tarenti bodies on the ground. Not only was the smell of blaster fire in the air but the smell of death was there too. He looked towards the temple entrance as he saw friendly forces being attacked by other friendly forces. No. Were they friendly? The spectres were possessing the forces of Naga Sadow and Tarentum. The men who were possessed moved a bit slower and it seemed like their bodies were not controlled very well. Arms were flailing in the air and they walked with limps.

Jurdan held his ignited lightsaber at the ready and directed a push towards the entrance of the temple. There was one man standing in the doorway wearing a horned helmet. He seemed to be directing the horde in the battle. He was not a normal man. His skin was a sickly gray as if he had not seen the sun in hundreds of years. He had a very ill look and he was missing an eye. Jurdan knew that he would have to get to this man and try to destroy him and this helmet. He could sense an aura about the helmet. This had to be the answer.

The new Shar Dakhan Aedile leapt into battle like a razor cat attacking its prey. The lightsaber was his teeth and claws and he knew how to use them. Several friendlies were engaged in hand to hand combat. He ran through them slicing and stabbing the ones who had become the undead. Their lifeless husks fell to the ground and the spirits that had inhabited them rose up and tried to possess more of the non force users in the immediate area. It was easier for them to take over an untrained and distracted mind over that of a Sith or Gray Jedi.

The corpse leader of the dead towered over the rest of the walking dead. He pointed towards Jurdan as he approached. The Battlemaster deflected a couple of possessed beings to the side with a couple swift kicks. He lunged directed at the leader of this army of the possessed and swiped at him with his lightsaber. The man quickly turned into a spirit and then back into a solid again. Jurdan didn’t know how to handle this. While in the ghost form he realized that the helmet was still solid and real. He attacked the spectre again and again. The being kept phasing into a ghostly form as if leaving their plane of existence. He stretched out his hand towards the being and shot lighning from his fingertips. He watched as the lightning forked and weaved and hit the helmet off of the spectre’s head. He watched as it faded but he could still sense him near. Jurdan ran up to the helmet and quickly ran his lightsaber blade through it cutting it in half and melting the metal. The possessed beings started to win control of their bodies back and soon there were no spectres left.