"Now is the time of Plagueis!", Selika orated from atop her throne. "Now is the time in which we take advantage of the distraction that Pravus' war with the Lotus has created. Now are the days in which we return Plagueis to Ascendancy!" She paused for a moment, watching the faces, both those present and those on holocoms. "Long have been the days or our exile from the halls of Power. Not since Chi-Long himself sat the Iron Throne, has there been a Grand Master risen from our ranks. Even now, though once a Plagueian, he was also a Revanite and an Arconan.
Such foolishness is the very core of what is wrong with our Brotherhood. Disloyalty, disunion, disaster. The loss of identity, of ideals, in the face of defeat. We know now that this Grand Master is sick. Like those before him who have stayed too long, he has developed a loss of self that has led to the belief that his is the infallible right. Unhinged, he has made bad choices, and they have led us to the now.
His lack of commitment to the ideals of adaptation, ascendancy, and availing have caused this fracture within our Brotherhood. He no longer adapts to new information, or Ascends in the face of adversity, or avails him of reality. We will prove ourselves to be the best by taking advantage of this lack to climb back to our rightful place as a Clan. As the ASCENDANT CLAN! Let there be no mistake, we have adapted. We WILL Ascend, and we will Avail ourselves of the spoils.
Be not fearful in this time of triumph, for the victory shall be ours. FOR PLAGUEIS!