This was not right, I am Jedi, I should know better. Anger is something that I've learned to never let control me. But it was extremely difficult at the moment. I have felt anger before, it was part of my training. To recognize what it was and it’s allure to the dark side, something I’d want to watch out for. This was beginning to feel right and it was scaring me, but I was having trouble controlling it. My trip in to Dreshdae was frustrating, I tried to meditate to clear my thoughts and calm myself. That was proving difficult as every time that I closed my eyes and started to focus, my mind would drift back to the death of my sister. That would cause my anger to well up at Darth Necren and that Nephilim. After arriving at the small landing port just outside town, I had made my way into town to begin my search for Connor Grey, a rogue, arms dealer, relic hunter, and a liar and cheat. Though while he was not responsible for the death of my sister, he was the catalyst that lead to her death.
Having been in town before on numerous occasions, I decided to don an inconspicuous outfit. I call them my I-don’t-want-to-be-recognized clothes. The consisted of a pair of rugged brown pants with extra pockets added to the thighs to keep my lightsaber in. A button up blue long-sleeved shirt that I leave untucked. A simple black vest with only the bottom button fastened. I had decided to start with The Drunk Side, the local cantina that had survived for a few centuries, numerous owners, and several wars. This place was the place to learn anything about what is going on. If I knew Connor at all, he would be here learning what he could about any new relics that might have been uncovered in recent days. The road from the landing pads to the cantina was once an empty road with a few signs hanging. Now it seems that every buildings doorway had a sign above it, selling something. Between every other doorway there had popped up an outdoor stand that was selling souvenirs and replica relics of all kinds. Normally, there would be few to a couple dozen beings along this street visiting the shops and making deals of one kind or another. Now there seemed like there was hundreds crammed onto this street, buying, selling, making deals or just looking at the various wares.
Knowing that there will be dark jedi or all kinds, and maybe a Jedi or two, I decided to put up my Force Cloak to hide my presence to a degree to move about unnoticed. As I tried to focus to apply the Force Cloak, I felt blocked and couldn't focus completely. It felt just like the trip in, where it was difficult to meditate, and my anger would well up at the thought of Necren or the Nephilim. But even a partial Force Cloak was better than nothing. I was about to the cantina when I saw him coming out, because of his unique look, he is fairly easy to spot or follow. I continue walking past him and the cantina as though I’m going to a shop on the other side. I walk past him as he’s lighting another cigarette, and anger surges through me that my Force Cloak works a little too well and I bump into someone who should have been able to easily avoid me, had he seen me. Surprised at the action, my grasp of the Force faltered and my Force Cloak dropped, the person that I had bumped into had already recovered and was on his way. Not wanting to draw any more attention to myself, I acted like nothing was out of the ordinary and continued on my way away from Connor, hoping that he didn't see what had happened.
I had walked about two buildings from the cantina, stopping to lean against a wall to recover from that near ordeal. Taking a few breaths, I tried to calm myself to degree, and thought on the events that had happened, and realized that if I didn't get a handle on my anger then this would not go as planned. Finally getting myself somewhat calmed, I managed to get my Force Cloak up again, and turned back in the direction that Connor had gone. Walking past the cantina again, I get a strong danger sense. I take a quick look around to see if I could identify it, but don’t readily see anything that would give me pause. About three buildings further up, I see him coming out of the next building across the street so I slow down to stay behind him and see what he was doing. I continue to shadow him for another two buildings, while he was looking over the merchandise of an outside vendor, when I had that same danger sense I had back at the cantina, but this time it was stronger and somewhat focused. Feeling panicked, but not wanting to reveal myself, I casually scan the area to see if any being was paying extra attention in my direction.
That is when I saw him, the Nephilim, his armor very distinctive against the normal attire of those around him. He had his helmet off, for reasons only known to him, never seen one without their helmet on. A hard gaze from a seemingly harder face, leering at those nearest him. He probably forgot that everyone could see his face, as people quickly averted their eyes and gave him as much of a wide berth that they could on this semi-crowded street. I quickly scan the beings around him to see if Necren was in the area as well. And she was, turning out of a doorway to look over some relic merchandise for sale. Knowing that if I let myself panic while my anger seemed to be building, I would not be able to maintain my Force Cloak, and send up a nice big flare. Looking back at Connor, I see that he was still perusing at a relic stand. Either he was oblivious to Necren and the Nephilim or he knew they were there and didn't want to let on. Probably the latter as he was like that, seeming like he had no idea, but knowing all along. Realizing that time was now of the essence, I was going to have to hurry things along, and I hate rushing things, takes a lot of the fun out of it.
Trying to figure out how to get him someplace a little private so I could employ a little seduction to get information on the whereabouts of the actual writings. I see my opportunity when he moved on from the relic stand and entered the next building down. Taking a breath and putting on a smile, I follow him into the building, dropping the Force Cloak in the process, no need to alarm him just yet. “Connor my sweet, where have you been, I've been looking for you all over.” I say to him as I come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his chest, giving a slightly intimate hug. He had tensed when I hugged him, but was relaxing now that he had heard my voice. I could feel his excitement at me arrival, he always did like to see who could outdo the other whenever we all got together. I release him from my embrace when I feel him start to turn around.
“Well, hello,” he stammers when he sees that I am dressed in the complete opposite of my normal attire. He takes a moment to look me over, so I give him a little flirtatious pose. “That ‘s a new look for you, I like it.” He comments with a smile. “Gives you that adventurous look.” I always like to see him smile, but this time there was something missing, something off about him that I couldn't place. His cigarette, he wasn't smoking one at the moment, he must have tossed it just before entering. Looking over my head towards the door, he asks, “Where is your sister, didn't think the two of you strayed too far from each other?”
Killed at the hand of Necren! My thoughts screamed, betraying me at a most inconvenient time. I must have lost it for a moment, because the next thing I remember is hearing nearby objects settling back in place and Connor looking at me with a very concerned face. Anxiety and concern radiated from him through the Force, and I could feel that he had created a Barrier for some reason. “What happened?” he asked, his tone that of worried concern. “Something bad happened didn't it? Your whole Force presence has changed, it almost seems as if…” He looks me straight in the eyes as if he was looking for something. I can feel him probing me with the Force, and I’m able to block him at first, but my emotions and focus are unstable and all over the place, and he is able to break past them with ease. “Tell me what happened.”
Taking a deep breath to keep myself from losing control, I recap the story of this dreadful day. “We had heard that Lord Cotelin was seeking ancient writings on the Rite of Immortality. We thought that if we were able to attain these writings, we would gain favor with him. So we came here to learn the whereabouts of these writings, or who might have them. Nalia set up in the cantina while I donned these clothes and started making discreet inquiries into any information on the writings. We had spent about half a day listening and asking questions, Nalia learned that there had been one that had returned from the Valley of the Dark Lords with the writings and was seeking to sell them to whoever wants them the most. I had learned that there was a blonde male in a brown coat that was making inquiries if there were any beings that might be interested in the writings if they were found. We gathered that this person might be you, and that when we came to you earlier asking after the writings. You insinuated that you had them, then led us to believe that someone else had them, leaving us confused and certain that they had been found and were in town somewhere. Assuming that you had them and was looking to sell them to one of the three sides in the civil war that had currently gripped the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. We had heard that there was a strong ally of Lord Cotelin located at the old Academy, we sought them out to give what we had learned in exchange for returning to the fold.” The entire time that I was telling the story, I could feel my anger and hatred rising to the surface. Connors expression never once changed, but I could feel surprise, concern, and interest in me as I continued to talk. “What we got was captured by a Nephilim, and brought before Darth Necren. Nalia was knocked unconscious from a butt-stroke to the back of the head, then beheaded by Necren, as I was being dragged out of the Academy and ordered to find the writings or suffer the same fate as my sister. I need those writings, Connor, please tell me you have them or know who does.” I pleaded to Connor, intense sadness threatening to overwhelm me.
When I had finished, his expression changed to one of concern. “I’m sorry my dear, but that was what I've been doing since I returned from the Valley earlier. I was at the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, where a lot of ancient runes and writings could be found, but I did not have the knowledge to read or understand them. Plus there were three Krath Pontifices and a small group from Clan Naga Sadow there guarding them, and they wouldn't let me take anything. So when I arrived back in town, I heard that someone claiming to be me was spreading word around that I had the writings and was looking to sell them to one of the civil war factions. I've been trying to find this person and working to repair any damage he has done in my name.” He concluded, his face taking on a very dark tone when he inferred that someone could have had the audacity to impersonate him and ruin his image.
I didn't know that one’s heart could be crushed further than from losing a twin who had been murdered in front of you. It felt as though my whole world was falling apart. All I had now was my love and affection for my friends, and my anger and hatred for Darth Necren and that Nephilim. I was not going to allow A’lora and Liam to meet the same fate as Nalia. Even if that meant falling to the dark side. I knew that I only had two choices in the matter. To stay and continue to search for the possible non-existent writings and run the risk of incurring the wrath of Necren and endangering myself and my friends. Or escaping, warning A’lora and Liam of Nalia’s fate and the threat by Darth Necren, and getting stronger to take down Necren for what she did to my sister. Only the later made sense, disappearing and plotting my revenge. I was certain that I could get A’lora and Liam to help me. Yes, I am starting to see the beginnings of a beautiful scheme to bring down the Nephilim and Darth Necren for killing my sister.
Looking up at Connor, who looked taken aback at what probably seemed like a drastic change in my demeanor and Force presence, I raised up on my toes and kissed him on his right cheek. “Thank you love, there’s something that I must do now. Undeniably we will meet again, until then my sweet.” I say to him, then turn and give him a very flirtatious wave goodbye. Feeling more confident with each step, I give Connor one last parting gift, I use my new found confidence to add a little sway to my hips as I saunter through the door. Just before I pass out of earshot I hear Connor intone, “The power of the dark side……”, and I was out in the street and couldn't hear what else he might have said. Putting up a Force Cloak, I looked to my left to see if Necren or the Nephilim were still there, I don’t see Necren, but I find the Nephilim leaning up against a building a couple of buildings down on the other side of the street. He must have seen my enter and decided, or was told, to remain and see if I would do as I was told. Boy, was he going to be disappointed, as I warmly smile at him and step out and meld into the flow of the crowd, headed towards the landing pads.