Fiction Activity

Deck the Halls with Porgs and Nexu
Textual submission

"I did what?!" The Proconsul exclaimed and the Roll Master cringed.

"You approved an order for one thousand Porgs and a dozen Nexu." Mune had the decency to act sheepish. He had been commanded by the Consul to follow up the discrepancy in the Proconsul's holiday budget. To say that she had been... upset... would be an understatement.

"Does that sound like something I would do?!"

Mune held up the datapad. "The first order was for 50 Porgs - for roasting. And a Nexu on... the Barbie? What is a Barbie, Braeby?" The Roll Master knew he was pushing it. The Elder was turning red in the face, but he didn't reach for the datapad to dispute the entirely fabricated statement of his peer. Instead, his eyes darted from the left to the right as he ran the calculations.

"I thought you said-"

"Yes, the order was much greater. But that was only the initial order. Apparently you put one in through the Excidium Headquarters then amended the order several hours later... and changed the notes on the order concerning its purpose."

The ice blue eyes of the former Krath bored into the fox-eared Roll Master. "And. what. did. it. say?" His words were punctuated with a seething hatred building within him.

Mune continued to adlib, "To repopulate Caina with a species of bird that is both hard, fierce, and loyal to the Empire." Mune thumbed through several screens on his data pad. "And it says here that you also requested for the Porg to become the official mascot of the Clan; though, you did stipulate that Sith could hunt the small creatures with assistance of the Nexu."

"Oh, did I?"

"Yes," Mune nodded, "as long as the Nexu didn't eat you. That was your only requirement."

Braecen turned his back towards the Equite and stared out the window in his office. It was the centerpiece of the room - everything was positioned to accentuate its dominance and the landscape that is surveyed below. It was a trapping of power and prestige that the Elder could not let go. Even with the destruction of the Cocytus System.

"I will be on my way to the Excidium Summit," Braecen barked. "I will sort out this matter immediately."

Mune watched the black clad man storm from his chambers towards the landing pad that would escort him to one of the Clan's larger ships. From there he would make a short jump in-system to come to the Bandit Moon that Excidium now considered their domain. The fox-eared man laughed to himself, stopped recording his entry, and sent the video file to Raiju with a simple message: "Merry Christmas!"