Legend has it when Ragnath peaks over Ulress' sky on the 4th day of the 10th month every five years, a shooting star will circle around the planet three times. This is to indicate the birth of a new wyrm.
Long ago in the ancient of days of Ulress, wyrms would crawl from their nest at the core of the moon to attack and swallow any species that attempted to dig its grounds. During the initial construction of Ulress, this became quite a problem as men kept dying left and right. An ewok, who was quite young and handsome at the time, was helping with the initial construction of the inhabitable planet when he came across a wyrm attacking the men with him. With a deep breath, he called upon the Force and shot electricity through the ground to destroy every single wyrm that came within a 2 mile radius of the area. He launched up in the sky with a bellow of victory and immediately spun towards the ground's surface and made his way towards the core of the moon.
When he got down to the core, and found the Wyrm Queen, the pair had a rather unusually polite conversation. After they came to terms, the Wyrm queen agreed to allow men and specie to come under the moon's surface if and only if a wyrm could be born every 5 years on the 4th day of the 10th month. This was the queen's birthday, you see, and her husband was never home in time to celebrate with her. If a wyrm child were to be born at that time each year, the queen would never be lonely again. She only sent her babies to attack the construction workers because she was afraid they would harm her, but the Ewok agreed that no harm would come to the nest if the wyrms stayed out of their way. A truce was agreed upon, and the ewok shone his staff high in the air. He spoke the magic Force words and allowed the queen to have a child every 5 years as she had asked.
"So did that really happen, Gregryck?" Alara's ears swiveled with curiosity after hearing the old ewok storytelling to the younglings of Ulress.
"Legends say it did, M'lass," the ewok grinned at her.
"And I wonder who could have been a young and handsome ewok way back then with the capabilities to do that," Alara winked.
"Well, I would only know a few," Gregryck responded earnestly.
"So why on earth would an ewok be in the middle of nowhere here in Ulress to ensure that the construction of the underground cities could be fulfilled?" Alara smirked again.
"Well, perhaps he was paid to." Gregryck picked up his loose scrolls on the ground near his storytime carpet and placed them neatly back into his sack which he had on his person almost all the time now.
"Lately, pops, you've been quite the storyteller to the children of Ulress. Ever think this is what you'd be doing with your retirement?"
"Okay, first of all, Lass, who said anything about retirement? Secondly . . . I thought I'd possibly have grandchildren by now to spoil." The ewok glared up at his apprentice.
"Hey! I'm far too busy taking over a city here to even think about children. Do you really think Jorm is ready to be a father now anyways?" Alara held her hands on her hips and pursed her lips at her adopted father.
"Well, I understand that, but I didn't know you would be up to so much trouble at this stage in your life way back when I was planning retirement." the ewok replied. "Be careful lass, a child entering your life might come a lot faster than you think."
"Uhhh, wannabe Gramps, we are on the pill. We're okay in that region," Alara lifted her hands in the air.
"As if that has ever stopped the gods from displacing a young woman's life before." the ewok rolled his eyes and started heading towards the cafeteria. "Are you coming to join me for coffee at the cantina or what?"
"We all know that you spike your coffee, Pops." Alara nodded and walked beside the shortened teddy bear.
"Well I need *something* to keep me going when I'm busy following you around, lass." Gregryck admitted. "But mark my words, I'll need some more spikes in my coffee yet. That kid is coming whether you like it or not. The gods have told me so."
"HA! Tell that one to Jorm. I'd love to hear his response." Alara chuckled.