Act 1.
Setting: Chyron. A night club is in the backdrop, where music can be heard coming through the doors.Enter our heroes, Raistline Majere and Catmatui into the city streets.
Catmatui: Wow, that music is loud. Should we make them lower the bass through violence or through an epic dance off?
Raistline: No my apprentice. We have to meet up with Torin Morgath. We have a low profile to keep.
Enter Torin Morgath. She runs to center screen and begins to sing "Memories" from Cats.
Catmatui: (Aside) Thats her
Raistline: (Aside) Then go to her
Catmatui moves to Torin Morgath. The rear stage lights dim, casting Raistline into darkness and illuminating Catmatui and Torin.
Torin: Are you the one?
Catmatui: The one?
Torin: The one to free me from my burden! So what happens now?
Catmatui: Keep your hand at the level of your eyes
Torin: What?
The lights dim on Catmatui and a single spotlight shines on Torin. She looks past the audience.
Torin: You come to me, yet am I ready? Do I go willingly or flee? No, I wont go back. I am tired of running. I am yours to command. So what happens now?
A second spotlight snaps on Catmatui.
Catmatui: This is my chance to prove myself
Catmatui takes center stage and sings "On my own" from Les Miserables. After the audience applause lowers the house lights return to dim, showing only spotlights on Torin and Catmatui. A runner clears the stage of flowers.
Catmatui: Then there is no other way.
Catmatui begins to choke Torin. As Torin falls to the ground a bright light flashes and a spotlight appears on Raistline.
Raistline: What have you done, 24601? She came willingly.
The lights fade.
Act 2
The curtains open showing Justinios sitting upon a throne. Catmatui stands stage left, looking away from the throne. Stage right Raistline stands over the body of Torin.
Torin: What have I done to deserve this? I came willingly!
Justinios: Talk to me Torin Morgath. You have been brought here manacled and beaten.
Catmatui: That sounds familiar.
Torin: I only want to help.
Raistline (gesturing at Torin): She only wants to help
(aside) We shall kill her in the third act
Catmatui: Methinks that she is terrified enough to give her life to the project.
Justinios stares off blankly. Children are brought up on the stage to try to break his stare. He only blinks.
Torin: You are all crazy. I must help you so that I may escape.
Raistline selects a female audience member and brings them onstage. After revealing to her he has nothing up his sleaves he preforms "the rope" magic trick. The lights dim and he performs the song "How can I love him" while dancing around Justinios' tranced body.
Thunder rolls. Macavity appears and steals away Torin and Justinios.
Raistline: If only we had a major hit.
Catmatui: How about a major hit song?
Catmatui begins to sing "Turn back time." Macavity reappears then dissapears. Torrin and Justinios reappear, Justinios no longer in a trance.
The full cast comes center stage to preform the Cardigan's "Love Fool."