Alara is strong
Too angry to realize
But loves far too much
A true family
She finally has one now
Daughter and ewok
Sister, dead brother
Two nephews that she loves so
A cat, and boyfriend
Jae'lle, she's the girl
Alara saved from the streets
Now an apprentice
Her parents had died
They'd be proud of her tech skills
and her way with bombs
Gregryck, ewok
Alara's adopted dad
Ewok Dovahkin
He's an older Krath
But he is strong in the force
And he will show it
Artemis the cat
She is tusked and she is mean
But she is soft too
The Force directed
Alara, the Fire Hand,
Artemis needs you.
And as it turns out,
Alara needed her too
their destiny, knit.