Fiction Activity

Cloak and Saber
Textual submission

Maelous pressed a button ending the holo-recording and sending it out to it's recipient. A dark grin crossed lips as he leaned back into the chair, his plans were starting to take shape. It was only a matter of time until he would have the information he needed.

In his own office Wrooshuu terminated the connection and lay back on his chair in a solemn thought, to spy on his own Consul, to collect and journal each and every sensitive move and then to report it all to the Aedile of the other house. To a Sith Aedile, that only wishes to further his own pursuits and retain higher leadership than all others. To turn against a Sith was enough motive the Wookiee needed in order to carry out his dark and grim plans. Wrooshuu closed his eager eyes slowly to slip into his surreal world and revel in his glory.

In his inceptive state, the Quaestor saw himself standing in a dark corridor that was lit with the symbols of Marka Ragnos. The doors here were all individually guarded with their own security guards and a camera pointing towards the entrance. Wrooshuu could smell nor see any piece of flora here, however a tall arched window allowed some sunlight to pour onto a grand double door. He imagined this would be the head office of his acquaintance, Sanguinius. Closer to him sat a gilded door with a glass sign attached to the wall, and a well-decorated soldier standing with a pike. He had his visor staring directly ahead, yet Wrooshuu could never tell if he was staring in that direction or not. The Wookiee approached this man in a calm and authoritative manner, walking with his head held high and his arms folded behind his back. He wore his usual battle-skin and cloak in order for members to recognise him , however he was in a foreign building. The guards and members of Marka Ragnos may not understand who the other Quaestor would be, as it’s not in their best interest. As the Quaestor slowly approached the guard and coughed deliberately, the rather small man in comparison gripped his pike tightly with both hands in a ready stance.

“I demand to know who you are, in the name of Aedile Maelous Ascarend!” The guard growled, feeling very confident of himself.

Wrooshuu giving off a small but confident grin, carefully gripped the soldier’s head and began to crush it between his palms. Cracks began to slither across the helm as the soldier struggled and gasped for air, his whimpers began to echo across the hall. The guard was lifted from his feet and kicked at the strong trunks that were the Wookiee’s legs, who squeezed and crushed more, as streams of red and white trickled down his visor. The whimpers turned into feeble squeak as the guard twitched then fell limp. After the man became a ragdoll to Wrooshuu, his helm caved in and the jelly of his insides slithered from the cracks like puree. The Quaestor dropped the corpse and then entered the office of the Aedile, as he slowly began to awaken from his pleasant dreams.

“Yes, this way sounds like so much fun.” Wrooshuu chuckled as he dressed himself for the occasion, then left his office.

Several hours later after a long and arduous shuttle ride, bearing with the small talk of an eager green soldier and settling himself onto the unknown world of Tarthos. The Wookiee entered the office of the Aedile after carrying out his dreams and slowly gave a bloody smirk towards the staring Aedile. Wrooshuu slowly stepped over the small desk and jabbed his claws into the chest of the Aedile as he channeled the infections of the Force down his arm and into the Human’s bloodstream. Maelous struggled only for a second before he was able to knock the Wookiee’s hand away, coughing up blood and mucus. Wrooshuu stepped back and watched in joy as the traitorous Sith began to choke on his own blood and fall weak.

“There’s no room for the weak who hide in shadows with their cloak and saber, you will perish soon with a fever and then a suitable Krath will replace you.” Wrooshuu said in his native tongue as Maelous began to sweat heavily, struggling to stand.

Satisfied with his work, the Wookiee left the office and headed back to his shuttle. Today felt productive to him.