TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter

Item Details
TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter
Space Vehicle
Release 21-01
1 slot
Base price

The TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter, also known as the Sith TIE Fighter, is a specialized 9-meter long Starfighter created in secret. It was designed by Sienar-Jaemus as the most elite generation of TIE fighter, using information gathered from the creation of the TIE/FO and TIE/SF. It features the same spherical cockpit as the original, with two sets of forward-facing triangular solar panel collectors acting as wings to stabilize the craft. Unlike previous Imperial and First Order designs it is almost entirely crimson in color, with black trim. Lacking a hyperdrive, it has exceptional maneuverability and speed, with heavy armor and heavy shielding. It found use during the Battle of Exegol by the Sith Eternal.

2 laser cannons (under cockpit)
2 heavy laser cannons (between solar panels)

1 pilot

Item Slots
  • 1 Hardpoint slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle Hardpoint - II, Space Vehicle Hardpoint - III, or Space Vehicle Hardpoint - I
  • 1 Enhancement slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - I, Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - II, Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - III, Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - I, Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - II, or Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - III
  • 1 Upgrade slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle System Upgrade - I, Space Vehicle System Upgrade - II, Space Vehicle System Upgrade - III, Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - I, Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - II, or Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - III

Star Wars Databank, Wookieepedia

Aspect/Upgrade Slots
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Space Vehicle Cosmetic
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Space Vehicle Modification
Granted Item Aspects
Purchase Restrictions
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