Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol

Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol
Type: Weapon (Explosives)
Category: Explosives Launcher

Explosives Launcher TargettIng Enhancement - III: Droid Targetting System

Explosives Launcher Upgrade - I: Underslung Grappling Hook Launcher

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Blackout

Explosives Launcher Ammunition - I: Incendiary Explosives

Explosives Launcher Enhancement - III: Sensor Signature Reduction (Advanced)


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol

The Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol is an incredibly sophisticated and featherweight Explosives Launcher in pistol form. Instead of heavy cannisters like other flechette launchers, it fires flechette-filled pellets and features a miniature laser tracking system that tags targets with an electronic homing signatures allowing the pellets to track and follow a targets movements through in-flight course correction. These pellets detonate three meters from their target, sending out a shotgun-spread of micro-flechettes. It is extremely accurate even at medium to long ranges because of the spread, and has the stopping power of a heavy blaster pistol.

Droid Targetting System (Explosives Launcher TargettIng Enhancement - III)

Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been modified with a droid targeting system, greatly increasing the aiming of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol using a droid brain chip and a series of gyros.

Underslung Grappling Hook Launcher (Explosives Launcher Upgrade - I)

The underside of the barrel on this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been fitted with a grappling hook launcher that uses repulsor technology, allowing this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to be used to allow the wielder to reach vantage points without specialized climbing gear by firing a grappling hook using the Miscellaneous Weapons skill.

Blackout (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.

Incendiary Explosives (Explosives Launcher Ammunition - I)

The ammunition on this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been swapped with incendiary explosives, allowing the explosives fired from Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to, on impact, spread a highly flammable liquid that is dispersed and ignited.

Sensor Signature Reduction (Advanced) (Explosives Launcher Enhancement - III)

The internal components of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been modified with greatly dampened electrical components, making Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol completely resistant to sensors.