Droid Brain (Experimental)
Member Corvette Upgrade - III
Member Corvette Upgrade
Droid Personality: V.I.E.T.R.A
Owned by: Dr. Rhylance
Prototype: Droid Brain (Experimental)
Slotted in: Providence Infinium
This upgrade provides a Corvette with an experimental droid brain, allowing for expert hyperspace travel, piloting, combat maneuvers and weapons usage without sentient input.
An acronym for Virtual Intelligence Enitity Transport and Research Assistant, V.I.E.T.R.A is a newly developed AI system utilized on the Providence Infinium to assist with piloting, navigation, and assisting with scientific endeavors. With a feminine voice, she can speak with a calm but authoritative tone. She has soft, controlled personality and responds only to commands given by the Providence Infinium's commander, and anyone else they deem necessary.