Lightsaber Gauntlet
Weapon (Lightsaber)
Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - I: Waterproof
Lightsaber Enhancement - I: Comlink (Basic)
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Lightsaber Focusing Crystal: Empty
Owned by: Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Prototype: Lightsaber Gauntlet
Slotted in: Korvyn
The Lightsaber Gauntlet is a wrist-worn lightsaber designed for close-quarters combat. It utilizes the same technology as a traditional lightsaber with a shoto lightsaber integrated into a gauntlet or forearm bracer. Like a traditional lightsaber, it can cut through anything including blast doors, given enough time.
This lightsaber has been built with watertight casing and seals, allowing it to be submerged in water without damage to the internal components.
This lightsaber has been fitted with a small comlink inside the hilt, allowing the wielder to communicate over unencrypted networks within short distances.
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