Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl

Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl
Type/Category: Accessory

Granted: Moderate Cortosis Weave Construction

Owned by: Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya

Prototype: Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl

Slotted in: Item Container

The Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl is a simple but elegant status symbol and protective Accessory comprised of a medium-length golden colored cortosis weave cloth that can be worn as a cowl or scarf around the neck. It's most unique property is appearing to be a different color depending on the lighting or type of vision, sometimes appearing blue.

Granted Aspect: Moderate Cortosis Weave Construction (Granted)

Moderate Cortosis Weave Construction

This Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl has been constructed with a moderate amount of rare cortosis metal weaved into the main material. This major cortosis weave gives Cassandra Oriana Taldrya the ability to resist four to six strikes or glancing blows of a lightsaber using her Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Cowl before this protection is no longer provided. Continuous contact begins to melt through in two seconds.