9T9-B Wasp

9T9-B Wasp
Type: Land Vehicle
Category: Landspeeder

Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Sport Speeder Red

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Enhancement: Empty


  • Advanced Control Surfaces
  • Telemetry Uplink


Owned by: Sage Enzo Dek

Prototype: 9T9-B Wasp

Slotted in: Ships

The 9T9-B Wasp, also known as the Voltec KT9 Wasp, was a podracer model manufactured by Voltec. The podracer was identifiable by its massive, twin turbine engines. The pod was tethered to the engines by two large cables and energy binders held the two engines in place a short distance from each other. The 9T9-B Wasp had average speed and manuverabilty , with great acceleration. One such podracer was piloted by Clegg Holdfast.

1 Pilot

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Land Vehicle Modification
Sport Speeder Red (Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic)

9T9-B Wasp has had all of its coverings painted in an immaculate bright red, so that this 9T9-B Wasp garners attention no matter where it goes.

Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty