HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid

HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III: Memory Wipe Prevention Protocols

Droid Structural Upgrade - IV: Reinforced Plating (Experimental)

Combat Droid Upgrade - III: Embedded Rocket Launchers

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 2

Weapon: Empty


Owned by: Celebration Store

Prototype: HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid

The HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid is a variant of the HK-model Gladiator Droid. This droid has been heavily modified to be more versatile, more deadly, and more stealthy using a variety of upgrades from an improved processor, stronger servomotors, experimental-grade optics, hardened armor plating, and numerous protocol updates.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Personality
Memory Wipe Prevention Protocols (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III)

This HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid has been fitted with a protocol to fight against memory wipes imposed on it by other droids or technology, replicating the wiping computer's numeric matrices to slice into its system and short-circuit that computer or droid instead.

Reinforced Plating (Experimental) (Droid Structural Upgrade - IV)

This HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid has been reinforced with an experimental layer of additional armor plating, providing HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid unmatched durability compared to a standard HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid.

Embedded Rocket Launchers (Combat Droid Upgrade - III)

Embedded rocket launchers have been installed inside this HK "Forty Seven Edition" Gladiator Droid's chassis and frame, with the multiple ordinance deployable at a moment's notice and capable of damaging a medium sized area.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Cosmetic
Weapon (0/3)

This slot is empty