Plan C

Plan C
(Elder Lightsaber)
Type: Weapon (Lightsaber)
Category: Lightsaber

Basic Lightsaber Cosmetic: Dark Steel Armory (Blue)

Lightsaber Enhancement - I: Environmental Adaption Kit

Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - I: Waterproof

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal:

  • Sorian Crystal

Owned by: Lord Marick Tyris Arconae

Prototype: Elder Lightsaber

Slotted in: Brotherhood-issued Envoy Messenger Bag

The Elder Lightsaber is a rare weapon used by Elders capable of complex modifications and adjustments that require the skills of an Elder to properly maintain. The blade can still cut through virtually anything including blast doors, given enough time.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Conversion Hilt Lightsaber
Dark Steel Armory (Blue) (Basic Lightsaber Cosmetic)

Plan C has a simple dark gray cylindrical hilt set with knurled circles to assist in gripping the weapon, with a clasp at the base to attach the weapon, and a bright blue blade when activated.

Environmental Adaption Kit (Lightsaber Enhancement - I)

This attachment allows a weapon to resist the effects of a specific environment, such as ionization or acid rain which may damage the functions of the weapon.

Waterproof (Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - I)

This lightsaber has been built with watertight casing and seals, allowing it to be submerged in water without damage to the internal components.

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal (1/1)