Ratworm Field-wear
(Casual Attire)
Casual Attire: Ratworm Field-Wear
Owned by: Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Prototype: Casual Attire
Slotted in: Diy's things
The Casual Attire is the most common armor available. It is light, informal, and exceptionally easy to move in. This armor prioritizes function over form.
A display of sportsmanship and team loyalty, this Field-wear consists of a purple jersey with green, white and black stripes. The last name of the wearer adorns the back in white letters with black accents along with the number ‘seven’ stylized like a credit symbol. In similar design, a Rotworm adorns the front with an altered appearance including a rat-like nose, whiskers, giant sad-looking eyes, and a gold crown.
The jersey is worn over a crop top and tucked asymmetrically into matching sport cargo pants with ‘Ratworm’ spelled vertically down the right leg. Crew socks mirroring the pants are paired with black athletic shoes. Concealed by the baggy jersey is a waist holster belt-band capable of carrying two pistols and an ammunition pack. The entire attire is topped off with a white and purple ballcap with black accents, and a loose gold chain necklace.