StarSpeeder 1000

StarSpeeder 1000
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Shuttle

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blackout

Upgrade: Empty


Owned by: Arx Starship Acquisitions

Prototype: StarSpeeder 1000

The StarSpeeder 1000 was a model of transport starship once operated by the interstellar spaceline Star Tours. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability and speed, with heavy shielding and armor. It could accommodate forty seated passengers and required a crew of only three to operate effectively.

2 flash cannons
2 plasma cannons
2 laser cannons

3 crew for full effectiveness
(1 pilot, 1 copilot, 1 astromech)
40 passengers

Blackout (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

StarSpeeder 1000 has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this StarSpeeder 1000 to more easily blend into the darkness of space

Upgrade (0/1)

This slot is empty