TIE/ES Echelon Assault Shuttle

TIE/ES Echelon Assault Shuttle
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Shuttle

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Clan Vizsla Loyalty

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Enhancement: Empty

Upgrade: Empty

Hardpoint: Empty


Owned by: High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore

Prototype: TIE/ES Echelon Assault Shuttle

The TIE/ES Echelon Assault Shuttle is a 10.2-meter long Shuttle designed by Sienar-Jaemus to act primarily as a troop transport and assault shuttle. Reminiscent of other First Order designs, it has a similar body shape to the Upsilon-class Command Shuttle but features two fixed TIE solar collector wings and six engines, three on each wing. Like the Upsilon, it has advanced sensor systems capable of monitoring and scanning enemy communications. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and great speed, with average armor and shielding.

1 dual laser cannon turret (under cockpit)
4 heavy laser cannons

1 pilot and 1 gunner for full effectiveness
10 troops/passengers
2 metric tons of cargo space

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Modification
Clan Vizsla Loyalty (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

[[item_name]] has been modified to represent allegiance to Clan Vizsla. The vessel has been painted a metallic black which seems to almost glow when exposed to light. The sigil of Clan Vizsla is painted in a deep purple, which is also used to decorate the ship in swirls and stripes.

Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty

Hardpoint (0/1)

This slot is empty

Upgrade (0/1)

This slot is empty