Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - I: Climate-Controlled Body Glove

Armor Helmet Upgrade - I: Helmet Floodlight

Armor Helmet Upgrade - II: Device Interface H.U.D.


Owned by: Antares Consolidated Armorers

Prototype: Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor

The Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor is an aquatic variant on the Clone Trooper armor. While including the distinctive fin helmet design, this armor is completely pressurized with a rebreather life-support system running from the helmet to its backpack. It also includes underwater propulsion jets and flipper extensions on the boots, while the helmet had powerful built-in sensors and lenses that allowed pierce through potentially cloudy waters to clearly see enemies.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Climate-Controlled Body Glove (Armor Enhancement - I)

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor is fitted with a climate-controlled body-glove, that allows the wearer of this Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor to operate in extreme temperature conditions without loss of function, or freezing or burning to death.

Helmet Floodlight (Armor Helmet Upgrade - I)

The helmet on this Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been fitted with a small floodlight, allowing the user to illuminate a small area in front of them.

Device Interface H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - II)

The helmet on this Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been fitted with a specialized device interface heads up display compared to other Clone SCUBA Trooper Armors, allowing it to interface with another device connected through a datajack in the back of the helmet. All prevalent information is displayed around the center of the user's field range, with secondary information is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range.