The Damsels' PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher
(PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher)
Weapon (Explosives)
Explosives Launcher
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Sponsored
Explosives Launcher Ammunition - II: High Explosives
Explosives Launcher TargettIng Enhancement - II: Infrared Scope
Explosives Launcher Enhancement - II: Gyrostabilizer
Owned by: Seer A'lora Kituri
Prototype: PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher
Slotted in: 2.2 - Armory
The PLX-1 is a heavy yet portable missile launcher that fires one of seven homing missiles after it acquires a line-of-sight smart target lock, designed to deal heavy damage to vehicles and stationary weapon emplacements.
The Damsels' PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher has been given a custom paint scheme based on the colors and logos of Ysera Daegella's current sponsors. Decorated with a large logo along the side, every component and surface has been given a pattern reflective of the sponsor's chosen colors.
The ammunition on this PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher has been swapped with highly explosive anti-personnel explosives, allowing the explosives fired from The Damsels' PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher to have a greater impact to the point of being able to damage some light vehicle armor.
The top of this PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher has been fitted with an infrared scope, allowing The Damsels' PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher to locate targets in the infrared viewing spectrum.
The underside of this PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher has been fitted with a gyrostabilizer, making The Damsels' PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher feel lighter through the use of repulsorlift engines and allowing it to be used independently without a fixed emplacement.