(HK-model Gladiator Droid)
Combat Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Masters Colors
Droid Personality: Servant Droid
Droid Combat Modification: HK Protector Package
Droid Modification: Toughness
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Weapon: Empty
Owned by: Silent
Prototype: HK-model Gladiator Droid
The HK-model Gladiator Droid, also known as the HK Assassin Unit, is a highly advanced combat and protocol droid designed for subterfuge, infiltration, and combat. It has advanced protocols and redundancies that allow it to continue to fight until the very end and serve as an excellent infiltration droid.
This HK droid has taken so much joy from his Master that it wears the colours of its Master to show its pride. Its plating has been coloured in black and blue. It also wears a black hooded cape around itself to conceal weaponry and blend into crowds.
Fate has been programmed to serve its owner without question. Acting much like a butler, Fate will act for the most part in silence, and will adhere to the literal definition of its instructions to the best of its abilities.
Fate has been equipped by Silent with a software module designed to be downloaded to the HK-model Gladiator Droid's behavior core. The package replaces the droid's assassination routines with valet and bodyguard protocols, limiting the droids combat capabilities to basic defensive and offensive maneuvers.
Fate has recieved redundant programming and a mechanical overhaul that reinforces known weaknesses from the original design that allow this HK-model Gladiator Droid to continue operating and survive much longer against a wide range of attacks. This programming overhaul slightly slows processing times while the mechanical fitments can slightly reduce agility.
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