Blades End

Blades End
(Rogue-class Starfighter)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Starfighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blackout

Space Vehicle Modification: Smuggling Compartments


  • Targeting System (Rare)
  • Ion Engine Upgrade (WhisperThrust)


  • Sensor Baffling


  • Quad-laser Cannon Turret


Owned by: Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona

Prototype: Rogue-class Starfighter

The Rogue-class Starfighter is a 12.7-meter long single pilot Starfighter designed as a planetary defense starfighter. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability, speed, and armor. Known also as the "MagnaGuard fighter", it was primarily used by the Confederacy of Independent Planets during the Clone Wars piloted by Magna Guard droids, and the bounty hunter Cad Bane was given one for his services for use as his personal ship.

2 heavy laser cannons

1 pilot

Blackout (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

Blades End has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this Rogue-class Starfighter to more easily blend into the darkness of space

Smuggling Compartments (Space Vehicle Modification)

Blades End has had hidden compartments have been added, which allow items to be hidden out of plain sight. These compartments are not shielded and can be detected with the right tools.

Enhancement (1/1)