Patrol Gunship Flight
Space Transport
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr
Prototype: Patrol Gunship Flight
Slotted in: House Sunrider Flotilla
The Patrol Gunship is an 11.5-meter long troop transport unit that consists of four Patrol Gunships, along with four pilots, four gunners, four technicians, and two mechanics to operate and maintain them. Designed for the Galactic Republic as a lightly armed gunship for use on security patrol missions and law enforcement. It is armed with two ball-mounted turret laser cannons below the cockpit, one tail laser cannon, and two missile launchers. This vessel has high maneuverability and speed, with light armor and the ability to rapidly accelerate or decelerate. Operated by the pilots in the flight, each can carry up to 10 troops allowing the flight to carry 40 soldiers or passengers. Also known as the "Police Gunship", it was introduced during the Clone Wars to perform law enforcement functions on the Republic capital of Coruscant.