BB-89 "Marble" II
(BB Unit Astromech Droid)
Astromech Droid
Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Integrated Tools (Basic)
Droid Personality: Delusions Of Grandeur
Droid Cosmetic: Child's Whiteboard
Owned by: Lord Idris Adenn
Prototype: BB Unit Astromech Droid
Slotted in: 04 - Rayjax
The BB Unit is an astromech droid with a domed head and spherical body. This droid can fit into the droid socket of a starfighter and features multiple attachments such as shock arms and welding torches.
A basic toolkit has been integrated into BB-89 "Marble" II, allowing it to perform easy or small repairs on other droids and technology
BB-89 "Marble" II has developed an obsessive personality centered around the concept of self-improvement. BB-89 "Marble" II truly believes itself to be superior to any other BB Unit Astromech Droid and capable of accomplishing great feats. This drive aids it in accomplishing its tasks, but sometimes will result in unexpected additional outcomes.
BB-89 "Marble" II was originally painted with a dark near black matte paint base and metallic red and silver accents. The artistic whim's of Rayjax's daughter has left BB-89 "Marble" II covered in various bright and vibrant child made paintings.