(FA-5 Valet Droid)
Pilot Droid
Droid Personality: Delusions Of Grandeur
Droid Cosmetic: Splash Of Color
Owned by: Maenaki Delavi'in
Prototype: FA-5 Valet Droid
The FA-5 Valet Droid is a bipedal droid giving it a humanoid-like form to manipulate ship controls and fly vessels, as well as valet tasks like carrying luggage. They can operate independently as a pilot but have programming that makes them capable co-pilots as well.
Servo has developed an obsessive personality centered around the concept of self-improvement. Servo truly believes itself to be superior to any other FA-5 Valet Droid and capable of accomplishing great feats. This drive aids it in accomplishing its tasks, but sometimes will result in unexpected additional outcomes.
Servo makes a mark that is immediately apparent upon first setting eyes upon it. Looking like the victim of an explosion of color, Servo is covered in multi-hued designs and patterns utilizing as many variations as possible. While appearing to be random upon first glance, there is a certain uniformity to the chaotic display of the artist.