The Damsels' VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter

The Damsels' VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter
(VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Starfighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Sponsored


  • Long Range Scanners


Owned by: Seer A'lora Kituri

Prototype: VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter

Slotted in: 2 - The Damsels' Distress

The VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter is an 11.63-meter long Starfighter designed to be attached to a VCX-100 Light Freighter for short-range operations. It has poor maneuverability and speed for a ship of its class, with average armor and shielding.

1 dual laser cannon (forward)
1 laser turret (rear)

1 pilot and 1 gunner for full effectiveness
4 passengers

Sponsored (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

The Damsels' VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter has undergone dozens of color changes during its time as a professional racing vessel. Before a race, it is given a fresh color scheme reflective of the Daegella sisters' sponsors. Sometimes incorporating the logos of manufacturers and organizations, the VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter is otherwise unrecognizable between races to those who haven't followed the Daegella sisters' constant Holonet presence.

Upgrade (1/1)