(ID9 Seeker Droid)
Probe Droid
Droid Personality: Predatory Inclination
Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Fusion Cutter
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Prototype: ID9 Seeker Droid
Slotted in: 04 - Drakai's Equipment
The ID9 Seeker Droid is a model of probe droid consisting of a half-hemisphere dome with a red photoreceptor. It is equipped with four tentacle-like limbs with pincer hands, electro-shock prods, and a blaster. Additionally, they were capable of both hovering and crawling, as well as imitating the sounds of other droid models.
Venat has developed a predatory nature similar to those often associated with assassin droids. As a result, Venat will often approach a situation with the mind set of a hunter, and convey their findings as such. This can be disconcerting to others who are unaccustomed to Venat.
This ID9 Seeker Droid has been fitted with a small extendable fusion cutter, enabling the ability to cut through heavy metals and small blast doors given enough time.